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Posts posted by Ryan

  1. 1 hour ago, SheriffJohnBeard said:

    Add a custom vehicle that resembles a sled, and have it fly around Altis for the month of December. Just like the UFO at kavala in the Halloween Patch, but a huge red sled. For more immersion, have the sled spawn briefcases of cocaine while it flies around.

    Can't have a sled without snow 🌨️

    1c2a32bfe5a55681ce6df7defbd9d1ab.png 👀 this screenshot will be deleted in 10 minutes 😛 

    7 minutes ago, Toretto said:

    Make it so the dealer continues to hit until they have 17 or higher in Blackjack

    @ Milo @ Milo  @ Milo @ Milo @ Milo @ Milo @ Milo

    • BlessUp 1
    • Haha 2
  2. My god Olympus went from being a sausage fest with cartel rats roasting and doxing eachother back in the day to now having woman fighting on the forums over their looks… AND IM FOR IT!!!

    @ Dante  you ever think to find Olympus like this in 2023?

    50 minutes ago, ScreamingEagle said:

    ladies dm me nudes and ill judge

    id be lying if I didn’t genuinely laugh when I read this. 10/10 


    boxing match when?

    • Haha 4
  3. On 5/23/2023 at 2:12 PM, codeYeTi said:

    It's been a busy month with fixing multiple things that don't end up in new content, but we have a few fun things coming down the pipe.

    If you have ideas, skills, and drive, then we can always use the help as well!

    In the meantime, I'll leave you with this heavily-redacted teaser image of the WIP UI for "something" 😉.


    removed for leaking

    • Haha 1
  4. Still remember the day we stole you from your original gang. It all was a roller coaster from there. 

    o7 \|/ Hurricane, you will be missed

    If ya need anything you know how to reach me 🙂 

    • Love 1
  5. 10 hours ago, i chop hatchbacks said:

    you are aware that kids college enterprises took ownership of olympus 6 months ago we let ryan be the face and play owner but in the end we pay the bills around here

    Please let me free my chains mr owner sir/ma’am/helicopter/off-road/other 😰

    • Like 2
  6. Alright im gonna keep it 💯 with you guys on this.

    7 hours ago, Tally said:

    So as every single ArmA fan from 12 to 52 knows, Arma reforger is out, and it is the forerunner to Arma 4.
    Arma 4 from my understanding will use the same language and engine as Reforger, so in theory porting anything you build for Reforger to ArmA 4 should be far less taxing than A3 scripts / mods.
    In that regard I am wondering if the Olympus Team is considering a Olympus Reforger server?
    Getting a head-start now as they say could be good, and be ready with almost everything needed for when A4 comes out.

    Going to A4 without the toxic hellhole that is Olympus seems kinda sad honestly, it would be like when ArmaHolic died.

    Anyway just a question, I'd love to hear everyones thoughts on this!


    Olympus will 100% move to A4 when it is released. It will be all hands on deck as soon as we have word regarding it. As for a reforger server, that is TBD. Myself and the devs have played around with it, and at its current state it doesnt have much to offer regarding a server outside of the gamemode Bohemia released with it. We will announce anything as time comes, but I will say we are not putting all of our resources into it at the moment, this does not mean we are ignoring it though.

    7 hours ago, Strafe said:

    not really a waste when BH themselves basically said whatever you make on reforger will be able to be easily ported to A4. Its either stay with the dying game that is A3 or move on to the newer game in the series and work from there. From your POV i can get why staying on arma 3 would be reasonable but that would just be ryan digging the grave for olympus.

    Reforger's playerbase isnt any larger then A3 at the moment, and naturally the news regarding reforger actually brought a lot of attention to A3 again. So we have our spike in playerbase as if it was summer ^_^ But like I said earlier, reforger is a WIP and cannot make any promises as of yet regarding what we are doing with it.

    6 hours ago, Rafa said:

    Reforger is essentially a tech demo for ArmA on the enfusion engine and, as such, it’ll only be receiving 12 months of support from BI. 

    Personally, might be fun to have a server for conflict or any other fun game modes that get made or released but it might be more beneficial to utilize the development tools so that, when the framework for Life servers are put out, we can hit the ground running in regards to making Olympus a unique experience well suited to our community. 

    All of this is way above my skill set and pay grade of course so that’s just my two cents 🙂 

    We already got word of a life framework being in the works. No need for us to waste resources and re invent the wheel when someone else already is doing it. Will see what that, plus other game modes that will be released have to offer and work on it from there. I mean hell, our current mission file doesnt even look remotely close to what Tonic's original looked like.

    6 hours ago, Sploding said:

    The real goal is A4, but information on that is minimal. Like many have said, reforger is a glorified tech demo and test-bed for Enfusion, don't expect a server anytime soon, but as @ Ryan  has already said and implied multiple times that when the time to transition comes, it will happen.


    6 hours ago, Lucien said:

    not really what i meant, Olympus, Asylum, etc. are all generally based on the Altis Life Framework originally made by a guy named Tonic that does a lot of heavy lifting. Database calls, factions, the run and money making framework are all publicly available if someone want to make their own server. No such thing exists for Arma Reforger, so someone has to figure out the hard stuff like how to call a database in particular which was already done for Arma 3 before Olympus's existence. Not that our devs don't do hard work, but it is very unreasonable to expect Jay and the rest of our devs to learn how to do that and be able to dedicate their time to learning a new engine and game when their own work could end up obsolute from collaborators with more free time who are willing to share their work.

    Nailed it, same response that I gave rafa earlier 🙂 

    4 hours ago, Bloodmoon said:

    Keeping the server on a deprecated/outdated game with the other large communities moving to reforger or arma 4 would be a great way to kill the playerbase. Even though reforger is early access it still almost plays better than arma 3, with the bad parts for me being combat and lack of guns and vehicles in the base game. Also new engine has a non scuffed scripting language that anyone with a moderate level of programming is able to learn quick, so dev shortage won't be as much as an issue.

    Like I said, we are working on seeing what we can actually do with reforger, but our time would be minimal as of now. As for the other communities, myself and the other server owners speak quite frequently and although we are all keeping our eyes on reforger it seems every large community is just as focused on it as we are. Believe me, we all know how I feel about A4 or any other new arma title, you best bet ill be on that thing quicker then anyone once time comes.

    3 hours ago, Tally said:

    Yeah, I can mos definetly see the point where having to learn a new language, and re-build everything from scratch being a quite heavy workload, then having to do that for free on your offtime as well, fook, I probably wouldnt....

    That being said, Enfusion and Enscript is the future in ArmA, and SQF will be dead within 1-2 years, so even if the plan is not to build an entire framework from scratch it could be beneficial To dip our toes into it.

    The language enfusion uses actually to my knowledge is one that our devs already know very well so I dont see much of a learning curve for them. Yeti himself said from a developer standpoint Enfusion looks really good, so will see what we get out of it.

    From a very reliable source I have that has been 100% correct about everything within this last year/two, they said A4 current release timeline is 2024/2025, however with reforger + tencent funds that can always be moved up. As of right now though, we shouldnt expect A4 for at least another 2 years until some progress is made. 

    10 minutes ago, Rafa said:

    We could get into a whole “gaming company finance” discussion here but we probably don’t know Jack about it and, at the end of the day, “Don’t buy from the game studio as it will only delay future projects”, is a bit of an oxymoron 

    Well over 50,000+ people tried to play on the servers on release date. Considering 50k is the minimum, in just one day they made 1.5Mil. Id say they are properly funded lol

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