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Fake Grandma

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Everything posted by Fake Grandma

  1. Coming back live from the roasting block. @Savage has now been drilled so far into the ground he is no longer to be found. Rumor has it he ain't coming back, we pray for his family, he is their problem now.
  2. "Man, Myth, Legend, Sniper" - SnipeZ

    @snipeZ , @Eggman

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fake Grandma
    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      5 minutes ago, DashTonic said:

      What language is that on the notification 


    4. DashTonic


      @Grandma Gary still mad about you seizing my 50 cal

  3. Ah, ok. But I meant more for the " Exception - Sergeants+ may utilize SUVs for unmarked patrol. Unmarked patrols may not enter redzones without probable cause. " Rather than a baitcar. But if it has already been discussed and dismissed than discussing it further wont make a difference. Meatball swede out <3
  4. @TheCmdrRex Not sure if possible, but what would be cool is if a sergeant+ gets into a unmarked SUV their name is no longer blue while inside the car, but rather white. otherwise an unmarked car is kinda useless if it has a blue name right above it
  5. Congrats, @Jamie, @Arigato, @Eggman

    1. eggmasta
    2. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      @Eggman Oh sorry, I meant to congratulate "Eggmasta", I don't know this "Eggman"


  6. That doesn't make sense. Imagine being in a jail and then casually being released with drugs on you.
  7. You have to keep in mind that the number of people that can actually do compensation request is limited, admins+ are the only people that can actually process a compensation request. With that number being 12 active admins that can process a comp request and with over 25k active players in the past 60 days, I bet you can imagine how many tickets they have to do. Be patient, you'll get your 50k soon enough <3
  8. Sign me up.
  9. Ill give you structural advice for your tunnel to the US
  10. Lethal
  11. 900k. But only if i can get free hotel room for every refugee
  12. @brennick Ill offer you 900k for Mar-10 with 5 mags
  13. Looking to buy a Mar-10 with around 5 mags. Offers below
  14. @Strikke gz scrub, Norwegian bish 

    @Ares oh god, we are doomed. Congrats dood, Senior kavala Scat. <3 

    @Dante congrats dude, the OG fleury 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Strikke


      Norwegian throws retard who doesnt know what a taskbar is at sweed and it is super effective. Sweed dies on the inside and want to kill himself

    3. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      My life, everyday.

      "Have you tried restarting the computer?" -Grandma
      "Yes I promise" - Stupid client guy
      *presses "restart"*
      "It works now......" - Stupid client guy
      "yea...." - Grandma that now wants to kill himself"

    4. Bow


      Wow some top tier windows fucking roleplay right here

  15. Congrats @Deputy Dog you finally did it!! <3 


    Congrats @ChrisGG well deserved. 

  16. *Someone is breaking into the federal reserve* 


    1. N7Zero


      when they all slam slam tower...

    2. Kamikaze
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