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Everything posted by Savage

  1. Imagine owning something that closely relates to a community that makes thousands and ur not anywhere close to even becoming the lowest rank of the staff team
  2. Cringe, I think maybe staff should own it not u if we r being honest
  3. @Ryan is such a motivational speaker! 


    1. Ryan


      Wow doesn’t include the context smh 

    2. Savage


      U can include that urself

  4. Possible but idk if I want to spend 5 minutes of my life racing from Kavala to Sofia
  5. Isnt it weird Hellen Keller can't hear neither Laural or Yanny

  6. Search up free vpn and if u get a virus sucks for ur school I guess
  7. I've been lied to, I've had my mind played with for over a year, thanks @Ryan @Xeltini @Viper @Last And @kev for making me think I was high on some shit... :lol:

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Savage


      Ryan I'll hit them with urs

    3. Ryan


      No balls 

    4. Viper


      What address we talking ip’s? What’s your paypal :Kappa:

  8. So just before I speak I wanna let u guys know it's @Proud speaking on savages account cuz I wanna make it clear.

    So I have added many Olympus players on Snapchat because I didn't really care, I have only added trusted people and maybe some rats here and there. So recently I've been making some deep irl posts and it has come to my attention people are spreading my irl shit throughout the community. I would like to say that all you "rats" had to do was not spread my story throughout the community and your dream would have came true, there would have been no more "Bunk Bed Bandits" and I would have finally quit this dog shit game named Arma. But you kids can't seem to keep your eyes in your own business so now I'm going through all of this shit, people are spreading info to friends/my girl and you guys spreading this is kind of fucking depressing, because my friends think I'm a completely different person because of it. So what Ima say is in removing every olympus player off of Snapchat that I don't trust, and I ask everyone who hasn't leaked their Snapchat to not leak it, as some of the retards in this community could really fuck you over.

    Just wanna say one rat is @DeadPool and you definetly not trust him, especially having him as a civ rep... YIKES...

    If anyone would like to say anything, go ahead because some of you guys have really just fucked my irl life completely, and I hope you are enjoying it.

    ~Bunk Bed Bandit, Proud

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. Eazy
    3. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      This game community is rated for 18+ if you can’t handle it then don’t come here. If your concerned about your privacy then don’t give people the opportunity to view it. 

  9. @ikiled happy late bday didn't realize yesterday coming from me and @Proud

    1. ikiled


      thank you both :D

  10. IRL drama got me fucked...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Savage


      Bojo r u referring to my snap or was that just a coincidence 

    3. SPBojo


      Dont have you on snap so im putting my money on coincidence 

    4. Savage

  12. @.Jake @Brennan happy bday from me and @Proud

    1. JayJay


      thanks buddy 

  13. Savage


    Warlord is my paki, not urs...
  14. @ReVz happy bday from me and @Proud

  15. @snipeZ congrats u drunkin Russian :) 

  16. @Ryan its harder than it looks... late bday gift? It takes time...

  17. Happy bday @TheCmdrRex from me and @Proud

    Happy Bday @Ryan from me and @Proud, get ready for bday punches ;) matter a fact anyone want me to give him urs for u?

    1. Ryan


      Thank you my Jewish brother 

  18. ae3a41da2587cbab24e0660b69dae998.png


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. KrispyK


      i dont want to have vac in my y during cartel fights

    3. Sonny Asif

      Sonny Asif

      Prime | Connor perm for cheating 

    4. Savage


      The amount of shit I'm getting on this post is fucking hilarious, like his dick isn't big enough for all of u :lol: I just made this post as a question towards staff not for a bunch of cock riders to have a field day on...

  19. 5

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      I don't think you get how this is supposed to work ;D

    2. Savage


      i feel like i know u from somewhere its almost like we have met before

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