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Everything posted by Savage

  1. i tHinK i WAnT tO tRy OUt
  2. You submit Ban Appeals at https://olympus-entertainment.com/support/ under the Ban Appeal Drop Down
  3. When google says he doesnt grab IP's on his training servers but when some1 makes a joke he sends me this saying dont mess with me (he got it from his training server)


    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Xlax


      My main didn't get restricted at all. Are you autistic or something? And no, I genuinely liked the post. And who are you?

    3. ThatNerdyGuy
    4. Savage


      @Nerdy ur known to be a calm and nice guy, dont join the toxic life, this shit fucks u up

  4. @Strikke i didnt know u were jewish :Kappa:

    1. Strikke


      Wouldt i have kept the money if i was?

  5. @Quack happy bday u trap monkey :) 

  6. Its now April Third, and still no sign of a April Fools from @Ignis

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. codeYeTi


      Whoh… I didn’t even see it in the first place. Ruh roh.

    3. KrispyK


      1 hour ago, MrBoonie said:

      Fuck em let him retire. He is the reasoning behind most of the OGs perms, and a shit gang wars.

      So it's ignis's fault that they hacked, cheated, rulebroke?

    4. MrB1
  7. Your a bigger sewer rat then Leslie, and u sound like a fucked up anime character.
  8. When its April 2nd and @Ignis hasn't said April Fools yet.


  9. @Proud and @Majed have worked together to steal this work of art to present to you:


    1. Majed


      cough asylum website ...

  10. servers r so fucking laggy i cant pull a car until a minute later...

  11. o7 nigga can u atleast unperm Proud or give him a chance
  12. mine is different i swear6fc3f9392c758f7efe8689c2a1d61732.jpg

  13. Ur profile song literally explains @Proud right now

  14. @Peter Long is the Olympus multiple tournament thing gonna happen? Is it a work in progress or we aren't doing it

  15. Its funny when u find out a girl got sergeant ON ASYLUM by sending nudes to their chief xddxdd


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. MrB1
    3. MAV


      oooof pinkstreak is not a name ive heard in quite some time.

    4. Ryan


      4 hours ago, TheCmdrRex said:


      I am interested....

      Y i k e s. 

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