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Everything posted by Unjo

  1. Whitelisted factions aren't there to farm money lolol
  2. Rip bank
  3. If I can only RDM white characters that is racist

    1. Bloodmoon


      No, it's not possible to be racist towards white characters.

  4. One of the less dumb support nerds o7
  5. Unjo

    Your BMI is higher than your IQ

    1. Strikke


      iTs cAlLeD BiG BoNeD

  6. I hope we don't pay designers
  7. The contract binding at the end is cringe
  8. Yeah just put "I will camp the following gangs properties: DB TP Tree "
  9. Only if the rabbit is recording
  10. Borderlands was pretty good

    1. Dank MeeMoo

      Dank MeeMoo

      Watched a guy find a grenade to literally one shot almost every single boss he fought. Seems like they didn’t test a whole lot of balance issues

    2. Unjo
    3. Toasty


      I remember you used to be able to just change your level in the documents of the game.

  11. A team van
  12. Made me think of you babe @maxg


  13. Blows my mind that discord giveaways put more hawks into the server than blackwaters lmao

  14. If we can skip minimums for whitelisted factions again that would be lit

    1. ThatNerdyGuy


      We were down for like 3 hours chill

    2. Millennium


      @ThatNerdyGuy thats all the time a PO needs to put in for a week!

  15. Click clacked bip bopped

  16. Chargeback time
  17. Unjo

    Civ Ideas

    APD 2014-Current
  18. Hacker cant guess my password if I dont know my password
  19. Don't fix what isn't broken

    1. Zahzi


      But it was broken

  20. Its like Ares is back coin flipping on which status updates and posts get deleted

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Unjo



      An unnamed member of staff literally also has a swastika badge in ts

    3. GregoV1


      22 minutes ago, Unjo said:


      An unnamed member of staff literally also has a swastika badge in ts


    4. Bloodmoon


      oy vey unjo! you're gonna cause another shoah!

  21. Off DB server thankyou
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