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Everything posted by Mighty


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zeuse
    3. Millennium


      inb4 hit w/ rule quoting

    4. Zeuse


      Was from 14 Jan, almost a year ago.  Don't know if he was even a cop then.

  2. Can we lock this bar so it will stay on screen as we scroll. Its a bitch scrolling back to the top. thx bbd3f8fe401b1145f96059b77750b112.png

  3. https://steamcommunity.com/id/KCCO_4x4/
  4. Sorry, only @Richard can have that spot.
  5. This mans just dropped 200 rep in 2.3 seconds lol

  6. No, I'm talking about the rules. One started and I couldn't get anyone on to go cause of how sketchy the rules are.
  7. Rules need to be posted for this bank.. Every cop is afraid to go to them.
  8. Happy birthday you beta bitch <3 @Hurricane


    1. CocoisDead


      @maxg you gonna let him expose you like that?

    2. maxg


      3 minutes ago, CocoisDead said:

      @maxg you gonna let him expose you like that?

      listen listen.... it was a bad day ok? xD

    3. Viper


      lol, imagine being in that kids rank :Kappa:

  10. Holy shit @NokiaStrong is going somewhere! Well deserved!

  11. Hey just an FYI the borderlands handsome collection is on sale for $6

    1. Strae


      Buy me it and ill give you my last food ration

    2. DeadPool


      I bought mine last night for 3.77

    3. Hisoka


      It’s free on ps4 with ps plus.

  12. Lol a new minecraft game

  13. Why is the server whitelisted?

    1. Evann
    2. Richard


      To prevent new accounts that are bought for dirt cheap from coming in and hacking every time they ban the last one.

  14. Great now that the hackers cant spawn money in they have figured out how to crash your game lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sports Goomen

      Sports Goomen

      People are fucking sad man how is that even fun for them?

    3. Drippp


      They have always been able to do that, they don't get as much enjoyment out of it though I'd assume. You would have to ask @BigManSloppyJoe

    4. Mighty


      @Sports Goomen The are permed and no longer allowed to play so it gives them joy not allowing others to play

  15. not gonna lie there might have been some water falling out of my eyes during end game..

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DeadPool


      Add a spoilder disclaimer

    3. NexIV


      I reported him... @Ryan will take care of this scum

    4. Mighty


      @DeadPool @Caleb Snackbar is memeing. not an actual spoiler

  16. @Sandman selling corp recommendations come stop by. 


    1. Dank MeeMoo

      Dank MeeMoo

      If I buy 5 do I get sergeant?

  17. I like how much shit @DeadPool gets, yet he still puts all his effort into making everyone have a better time. Congrats!
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