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Everything posted by Mighty

  1. I've been asking that same question xD
  2. @Unjo is a filthy krunker scripter. Change My Ming

  3. This'll teach you not to bring a ghosthawk to an event:


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. thor


      It's admin spawned you moron

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      The skinned hawks actually aren't admin spawned =P

    4. DeadPool


      You are an ass

  4. Can I update my ts yet or will not be allowed to join?

    1. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      I updated mine, it works


    2. Millennium
    3. Richard


      Updated mine with no issues

  5. @Pledge be careful you have a rat in the SAPD. A little birdie told me his pocket senior said hes getting corp within the month...

  6. Image how many people would be bitching right about now if we still had downvotes xD

  7. rex has talked about it in several posts. He confirmed that the update should be coming in the next week or two. However, the bank will not be in it.
  8. Not gonna lie if you think they should unperm taco you're brain dead

    1. gaz


      Go fuck yourself lol

  9. Bro this is a 5 year old post wtf xD
  10. Now that would be something I would pay to watch!!!
  11. I once heard that @MAV was a good fighter. I would love to see him kick all your asses.
  12. I’m not to knowledgeable in this but I’m pretty sure with arma it doesn’t really matter what gpu you got. I think you mainly need to worry about a really good cpu and Ram
  14. Don't you ever talk shit to @DashTonic
  15. Who the fuck has been selling ingredients LOL I didn't think people actually robbed kidneys xD
  16. I still think we should have an oil tower in the middle of the ocean where you could either take a boat out there or land a taru fule on it! I remember going out for a water call and catching fish on the way back in xD
  17. Imagine how boring everything would be if no one argued.

  18. @Fusah @ikiled is the 25% increases of gold in yet?

    1. Outcast


      Will be out on next update.

  19. Just got kicked off for scripting restriction #11 and it delete my arma profile >:(

  20. From demotion to senior congrats @maxg

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