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d a k o t a

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Everything posted by d a k o t a

  1. ok lol, what is that supposed to mean.
  2. damn, when i was duping didn't you take a lot of items out of my house? and then bitch at me and threaten to report me for moving everything out and you couldnt get keys?
  3. is that cop wearing DB tags? HMM
  4. Never sold to him, could be legit.
  5. When i repaint my car ill print the olympus logo on the top of my car for an unban

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. MAV


      Ikiled name may be on it, but I'm the one (along with pledge) that did the log diving to find the loadout system abuse. Ikiled wanted his name on it because he banned you initially for duping the first time.. either way you only abused it like 4 or 5 times (granted each of those times were with nades, titams, rockets and mk200s, but I digress) I wouldn't have been opposed to at least a discussion of an unperm if I were still staff

    3. d a k o t a

      d a k o t a

      i said multiple times, once i saw ryans post, (It was a while after he posted his status update because someone told me look at ryans status) i saw it and stopped. but i did abuse and exploit it yes, no way around that. im just gonna take the perm and get over olympus eventually. no point in ban evading either since im not friends with many people that much anymore lol.

    4. Evannn


      no you aren’t 

  6. Just got a new modem and this shit fucking slooowwwwwwwwwwww. im getting 1/10th wtf.

  7. @Ziggyuwuyou say that when i get shit talked to by you i cant take it, but i just shit talked you and then my internet goes down lololol

  8. Why do most higherups have female gifs as their profile pictures.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ziggyuwu


      11 minutes ago, Strae said:

      Because it's alpha as fuck bro

      explain plz

    3. d a k o t a

      d a k o t a

      13 minutes ago, Strae said:

      Because it's alpha as fuck bro

      are they that concerned about their masculinity?

    4. DashTonic


      hoonters pic is a trap

  9. kssksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksks

  10. Dirt Rally is free on humblebundle

    1. Ziggyuwu


      aren't you permd?

    2. d a k o t a

      d a k o t a

      im not permed on dirt rally?

    3. Toasty
  11. Best minecraft modpack thats in the newer versions?

    Or what would you guys recommend 

    1. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      I mean, me and @Strikke like infinity evolved 

    2. Skys


      i have 1k hours on infinity evolved so i would have to say infinity evolved its a super fun pack with a lot of automation possibilities 

    3. Seth M.

      Seth M.

      1.7.10 pack is pretty fun, mixes the machinery of tekkit with the dungeon crawler of something like hexxit

  12. I block someone because they've always been an ass to me. And all of a sudden my internet is down and isnt coming up lmao. Hmmm. 

  13. Why say we can use it but not abuse it then perm people for using it when it was somewhat ok.

    1. Show previous comments  80 more
    2. Hunter


      Just now, d a k o t a said:



      They kept doing it after the warning some of them did 

      but most stopped like i did and bought missiles legit 

    3. bastro



      @d a k o t a new server time big man gotta let oly go 

    4. d a k o t a
  14. here do you even process at the new Blackmarket weed lmao


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. d a k o t a

      d a k o t a

      it only gave me the option to capture it

    3. Hunter


      @d a k o t a you need to cap it to PRO

    4. d a k o t a

      d a k o t a

      i captured it and then it let me capture it again


  15. i had a decent first day back on the server, wish i could make my own gang and cap cartels but that would be pointless

    1. Kaiokhen
    2. Hunter


      Welcome back to Olympus 

      Enjoy your stay

    3. bastro


      dude nobody fukn cares 

  16. Yeah, they didnt want to snitch on a friend you feel me. and break a friendship Quite a pog, ruined a friends chance at becoming mod but he didnt care because he didnt want to be a snitch and be on somewhat bad terms with alot of people.
  17. By knowing someone is scripting and not reporting it, apparently its against the rules even though nothing is stated. I got like 10 people 15 day'd for knowing what i was doing.
  18. Now i gotta wait for @ikiled @Ryan and @TheCmdrRex to not destroy my dreams for still being permed after update


    1. Ryan
    2. bastro


      ur a faggot stop talking like a retard

    3. d a k o t a

      d a k o t a

      eta on you actually playing and not leaving


  19. FINALLY I knew you fucks would forget
  20. Is Olympus really dying or whatever, ive seen the counter for the people on the fourms go down but also school has started and its 2:30 (for me).

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Millennium
    3. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      S3 is still up

    4. Ryan


      16 minutes ago, d a k o t a said:

      oh okay, so is it closed now? 

      S3 is for now staying up. With this new update, we want to see how pop is effected. We will be doing en experiment over the next week or so to see what we want to do from there. 

  21. eta on update, i wanna see how bangin this update will be

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pledge


      You just want to be unpermed :)

    3. d a k o t a

      d a k o t a

      Damn straight @Pledge i wanna try the promet out and see how my new computer works on Olympus.

    4. Millennium


      1 hour ago, Pledge said:

      You just want to be unpermed :)

      you guys should just forget to add that part

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