@Zahzi @Pledge @Civak @AstralC @DashTonic @grar21 @Trimorphious
Vigilante Shop Items/Gear
Bolt Cutters
SPAR-16S for Tier 5 (150 Rnd mags not included)
APD Shop Gear
9mm Suppressor for Sergeant+
.45 Suppressor for Sergeant+
Mk-18 for Sergeant+
Additional garage to Kavala
Ability to refill magazines at Dopamine Crates for $1,000
Available for all Donators
Smoke lasts one minute
Change color in Y-Menu settings
R&R HEMTT Flatbed for S&R+
Neochori Hospital
Civilian Council Hatchback
Vandalized APD and Legendary undercover Hatchback textures for Sergeant+
APD Ghosthawk lethals now split money between the pilot and gunner
Sofia Black Market for Mushrooms
Group hex colors can be modified
Configure -> Game -> Colors -> Active Elements
APD Hunter and Strider textures
Max vehicle garage capacity increased from 50 to 75
Bank remodeled and moved to old Pharmaceutical location
Pharmaceutical remodeled and moved to old bank
Drop-off locations updated
Medical Market & Medical Assistance NPCs at Hospitals are now placed together
Helicopter pads now indicate which direction the vehicle spawns facing
Removed useless objects from Federal Events i.e. Ammo boxes
Minor Kavala changes
Realtor and Diving shops added to Kavala Square
Removed extra light poles and allowed damage on the existing ones
Added parking to Kavala APD HQ
Removed Hospital walls
Athira APD HQ remodeled and moved
20% price increase for Salt, Silver, Copper, Glass, and Cement
Minor changes to Event Arena
Cops can no longer start bets but can still accept them
Betting cap increased to $1 billion
NLR circle shows for every death
Pharma vehicles
Small: HEMTT Ammo
Medium: Tempest Repair
Large: Tempest Ammo
APD income
60% reduction for Deputies
35% reduction for Patrol Officers
15% reduction for Corporals
Dopamine Shot
Now revives the player
Animation time increased from 15 seconds to 22 seconds
Can be used while alive to remove dopamine timer
Platinum Trader moved further from Therisa
Copper Field moved further from Weed Field
Added Civilian Council uniform to Rebel Clothing Shops and it can now be saved in loadouts
Moved Hospital Vendor and Medical Assistance to both be behind the counter, updated uniforms for performance
Pilot Coveralls are now 8 Warpoints until the next update/hotfix
Updated all in-game billboards
Changed some clothing textures
R&R Advanced Paramedic uniform
American Offroad texture replaced with Two-Tone Offroad
Grouped players always have green names
Non-group members never have green names
Groups persist through restart if more than two members are online
Iron Processor object replaced
Vigilante arrest income percentages for Tiers 1 & 2 (now 30% and 45% respectively)
Mohawks and Tarus shouldn't get damaged when spawning
Dying in a trunk no longer glitches the trunk
Rank 3 can pay gangshed rent
Non-vigilantes being able to purchase Vigilante skinned vehicles
Any player with at least 1 Vigi arrest on their current license can purchase
Players on restrictions can no longer list houses
Having a Misuse of Emergency Systems charge on Civilian no longer prevents Medics from texting APD Dispatch
All players can now buy AK sights at Rebel Outposts
Enemy gang members who are restrained will have white names when in vehicles
APD Gear/Items
Carrier Lite from Corporal
Carrier Rig from Staff Sergeant
Phantom Hatchback texture
Medical NPC textures
Walls around Kavala Hospital
MK20C from Tier 5 Vigilante
Lethal splitting (besides the reworked Ghosthawk split)
SW Jump-spot at the Blackwater Armory
Christmas skins
Monthly Staff KOS
As always if a bug is found please submit a support ticket about it under "Bug Report". Nothing can be fixed if we aren't aware of it.