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Everything posted by Civak

  1. @Zahzi @Pledge @Civak @AstralC @DashTonic @grar21 @Trimorphious Added Vigilante Shop Items/Gear Bolt Cutters SPAR-16S for Tier 5 (150 Rnd mags not included) APD Shop Gear 9mm Suppressor for Sergeant+ .45 Suppressor for Sergeant+ Mk-18 for Sergeant+ Additional garage to Kavala Ability to refill magazines at Dopamine Crates for $1,000 Skywriting Available for all Donators Smoke lasts one minute Change color in Y-Menu settings R&R HEMTT Flatbed for S&R+ Neochori Hospital Civilian Council Hatchback Vandalized APD and Legendary undercover Hatchback textures for Sergeant+ APD Ghosthawk lethals now split money between the pilot and gunner Sofia Black Market for Mushrooms Changed Group hex colors can be modified Configure -> Game -> Colors -> Active Elements APD Hunter and Strider textures Max vehicle garage capacity increased from 50 to 75 Bank remodeled and moved to old Pharmaceutical location Pharmaceutical remodeled and moved to old bank Drop-off locations updated Medical Market & Medical Assistance NPCs at Hospitals are now placed together Helicopter pads now indicate which direction the vehicle spawns facing Removed useless objects from Federal Events i.e. Ammo boxes Minor Kavala changes Realtor and Diving shops added to Kavala Square Removed extra light poles and allowed damage on the existing ones Added parking to Kavala APD HQ Removed Hospital walls Athira APD HQ remodeled and moved 20% price increase for Salt, Silver, Copper, Glass, and Cement Minor changes to Event Arena Cops can no longer start bets but can still accept them Betting cap increased to $1 billion NLR circle shows for every death Pharma vehicles Small: HEMTT Ammo Medium: Tempest Repair Large: Tempest Ammo APD income 60% reduction for Deputies 35% reduction for Patrol Officers 15% reduction for Corporals Dopamine Shot Now revives the player Animation time increased from 15 seconds to 22 seconds Can be used while alive to remove dopamine timer Platinum Trader moved further from Therisa Copper Field moved further from Weed Field Added Civilian Council uniform to Rebel Clothing Shops and it can now be saved in loadouts Moved Hospital Vendor and Medical Assistance to both be behind the counter, updated uniforms for performance Pilot Coveralls are now 8 Warpoints until the next update/hotfix Updated all in-game billboards Changed some clothing textures R&R Advanced Paramedic uniform American Offroad texture replaced with Two-Tone Offroad Groups Grouped players always have green names Non-group members never have green names Groups persist through restart if more than two members are online Fixed Iron Processor object replaced Vigilante arrest income percentages for Tiers 1 & 2 (now 30% and 45% respectively) Mohawks and Tarus shouldn't get damaged when spawning Dying in a trunk no longer glitches the trunk Rank 3 can pay gangshed rent Non-vigilantes being able to purchase Vigilante skinned vehicles Any player with at least 1 Vigi arrest on their current license can purchase Players on restrictions can no longer list houses Having a Misuse of Emergency Systems charge on Civilian no longer prevents Medics from texting APD Dispatch All players can now buy AK sights at Rebel Outposts Enemy gang members who are restrained will have white names when in vehicles Removed APD Gear/Items Carrier Lite from Corporal Carrier Rig from Staff Sergeant Phantom Hatchback texture Medical NPC textures Walls around Kavala Hospital MK20C from Tier 5 Vigilante Lethal splitting (besides the reworked Ghosthawk split) SW Jump-spot at the Blackwater Armory Christmas skins Monthly Staff KOS As always if a bug is found please submit a support ticket about it under "Bug Report". Nothing can be fixed if we aren't aware of it.
  2. after taking a shit, @decla wipes his ass with his bare hand

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      He does it with his tongue

    3. Zeuse


      It's a 50/50 chance whether he does it with his hand or doesn't do it at all.

    4. PJ.


      I suspected nothing less tbh 

  3. poop head lawler is a beast
  4. can't be much further than when you were lead
  5. altis never has snow and it's perfectly fine so idk man.....
  6. remove night and rain

    1. NokiaStrong
    2. Civak


      i heard this was an easy way to get upvotes

    3. bummm


      lets make it happen

  7. As you can see he's wearing the donor coveralls which do not provide an armor increase, unlike the default coveralls for medics which are CSAT and have armor.
  8. Did you try turning it off and on again?
  9. o7 @Zahzi

    imagine really trying to yoink the dono goal....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 3 Rip

      3 Rip

      wait did he actually try stealing money from donation goal

    3. Civak



      nor would olympus actually have 6k

    4. 3 Rip

      3 Rip

      I never thought olympus had 6k from this months donation goal lol

  10. Big day for @Hurricane!


    Congrats on Plat 3!

    (Other team surrendered with 1 of them alive on last round 🤪)

    1. Weaz


      weaz on top

    2. Hurricane


      I love the support from one of my BIGGEST FANS. Much love man ❤️

    3. Millennium
  11. Wait, why was a medic that cannot access Ghosthawks flying one? Nevermind, looks like that rule was reverted.
  12. Sounds like whoever had the idea should clarify. I was told it was just going to be a different animation and nothing else. Vigis can group up to 3, still using the same buddy money payout system (Boing wanted larger groups, we want to try expanding groups slowly) - Passed Great idea! Maybe the next one can be removing vigi and having them all apply for APD!
  13. @Weaz @rabeed
  14. @BFO it wasn't me this time

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. monster


      @Skys that shit probably cold af, you gotta shit in the hot tub

    3. Millennium


      There is no hot tub

    4. monster


      imagine being that broke l 0 l :kappa:

  15. did I really just forget that melody

    1. NokiaStrong


      Naw, na, na, banana-na-na

    2. Jerrod


      when I thing majiger lyric buh buh buh lockjaw thing

  16. damnit @Mako
  17. Congrats @AstralC

    On a side note:
    Developer applications are still open as we look to recruit new talent to the team. Get those apps in boys.

    1. Masonn


      Can't wait to be working alongside you man!

    2. Civak


      @Mason Statham surprisingly your app was better than some!

    3. Masonn


      @Civak thanks man I didn't want to go too tryhard since I didn't want you thinking I was over qualified

  18. Developer applications have been updated.

    If you already know SQF, your chances at being accepted are pretty damn good. However, you may apply with zero knowledge of SQF as long as you are fluent in another programming language and have a desire to learn. If you have been on the fence before because of a lack of proficiency in SQF, now is your best chance. Get those apps in.

    1. maxg


      @Decimus its time brother..

    2. Masonn



      35 badges fam sign me up as senior dev

  19. where are all the admins at?

    geez man can we get some soon?!?!?!

  20. Changelog in-game is cut off because I used an ampersand instead of typing "and".
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