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Everything posted by Civak

  1. Not 5
  2. that looks better than the old one
  3. I’ll be back in a week. 👁👄👁

  4. 🤪🤪

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CIA JOSH
    3. thor


      2 hours ago, SuWooP said:

      uh oh save our server

      you can save it by quitting

    4. SuWooP


      17 minutes ago, thor said:

      you can save it by quitting

      Ok bud. 🐒

  5. tbh you can just ignore the Infamous guy he does the same thing on asylum forums, copy pasting code he searched for and arguing with their devs, it’s a waste of breath with him
  6. https://olympus-entertainment.com/profile/22040-civak/?status=58111&type=status
  7. Servers have been updated for the 1.98 hotfix. You will need to restart/update your game before being able to connect. According to Bohemia the vehicle desync shouldn't be as bad now.


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Creepy
    3. Monks
    4. Mighty


      @Monks so thats what happened? I was so confused why you just rammed the ghosthawk lol

  8. No
  9. I can't wait to be getting chased by the cops, one hand on the wheel, as I shoot up as much heroin as I can. Edit: Before the fun police come crying that wouldn't even be possible since you can only use it with broken legs!
  10. We were looking at a higher percent initially. Sadly it would make betting somewhat pointless. i.e. Bet 10 mil and win. You receive 9.9 mil. Bet another 10 mil and lose. You lost 100k even though you went 1/1. If that percent was higher, like 10%, you would lose 1 mil when going 1/1 in 10 mil bets.
  11. hmu if anyone is looking to buy


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Revise


      around 70 usd

    3. Drippp


      Am I the only person who doesn’t see the hype behind this game?

    4. Elements


      its better than arma

  12. 48 hours later


    1. zoomzooooooom


      damn i wished i knew what that screen looked like 

    2. Elements


      did u only watch one streamer on one account for 48 hours cus im doing that

    3. destruct


      12 minutes ago, Elements said:

      did u only watch one streamer on one account for 48 hours cus im doing that

      I did this and got in

  13. race from athira to pyrgos
  14. when you look at who actually voted, there are a bunch of random no-name no-pfp people voting for Noah and then actual members of the community voting for Thor it do be like that sometimes
  15. Right next to my Ctrl key. I always stay zoomed out with it.
  16. Who wants the update pushed today? Enough upvotes and I'll do it. Fuck @Zahzi.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Civak


      lol can we hit 50

    3. Monks


      Ill upvote if you give me 10m 💀

    4. ChillX


      Time to make some alts

  17. Civak


  18. if the "already lethals prior" part doesn't give it away, no
  19. if you were already lethals prior, yup
  20. don't go at sandman's neck for the wording blame @Zahzi
  21. Bringing back this old gem. Limited stock.


    If you're interested in pre-ordering drop a like on this status update! First 10 likes get one free!

  22. Might do another Conquest tonight on S3. Just to get a head count, put a like on this status update if you are interested in attending.

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Civak


      2 minutes ago, JuanDeaged said:

      what time for with the changes?

      Designers are still going hard on the map work. No ETA for when they'll be done.

    3. swrvy


      do the same one as last night so we can start rn

    4. NokiaStrong
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