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Everything posted by Airborne

  1. @Edge Happy birthday bro but always remember the scuffed picture on your ID  :lol:

  2. congrats @Hylos

    1. Hylos


      Thanks man chewy gonna be chewy tonight

  3. happy birthday to my counterpart @Benjamin Remer

    1. BENJI


      Stop fooling yourself, you’re the counterpart you big dumb

  4. @hawk will get you corporal for a banner
  5. o7
  6. congrats @Hylos

    1. Hylos


      Thanks man glad to be a part of the team xd

  7. I’m thankful that Thaddeus Pennyworth was able to survive. @Eggman@rapidaax
  8. congrats @jimjim1415

    1. Jimmy Netz

      Jimmy Netz

      Thanks and a bigger congrats to you sergeant! 

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