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Everything posted by Corps

  1. How tf can old people (I’m talking 60+ here) just drink boiling hot coffee like it’s goddamn water

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Richard


      I’ve worked in food service my entire life.  I’ve always been trained that if an elderly couple asks for coffee or tea, to make it and the toss it in the microwave for them.  It will NEVER be hot enough.

    3. Gravity


      maybe there senses over the years just die a little bit lol

    4. Seth M.

      Seth M.

      Takes heat to make ashes

  2. Happy birthday bois @Ryan and @TheCmdrRex. Preferences on type Pizza?B)

    1. PoptartRex


      Pizza Hut or local place that I would have to get :P 

    2. Ryan


      Thanks qt :wub: no pizza needed

    3. Corps


      34 minutes ago, TheCmdrRex said:

      Pizza Hut or local place that I would have to get :P 

      Or is it Wings you are after still ;)

  3. All this forum drama today. Everyone needs to chill, tomorrow is 4/20, so take a breather and hit the blunt

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kamikaze


      hemp wraps is the move fuck that tobacco shit

    3. Richard


      I bet you smoke a blunt and @Prime’s dick you big gay

    4. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      @Corps come here, I got you iUywQRd_d.jpg


  4. Complain more when you get removed for breaking rules please
  5. All this drama and I’m just sitting here waiting for Game of Thrones Sunday

  6. When we were just wee lads
  7. Closing this because no need for this to even be a topic.
  8. Game of Thrones hype!

    1. swrvy
    2. DeadPool


      I need some way to watch it

    3. Corps


      HBO app brother. You can get a free week trial to start

  9. Nicely done log man @destruct
  10. Sure not like I legit just banned a gang member for CL or anything
  11. Go ahead and tell that to my GANG MEMBER and Irl friend that I just banned for Combat logging last night @Prime
  12. This mans got charts
  13. Arma does use GPU. Yes the cpu is the most used, but uses evga precision XOC and watch what your frames do when the card does not run at max. In Kavala for instance my card likes to run at 1040ghz rather than 1990. My frames drop to 30-40 then. Once out of Kav it jumps back to 70-80 FPS and gpu clock back to 1900+ all on ultra
  14. Feels like karma just makes these post to get people to reply
  15. Player was dealt with
  16. Thanks for all the happy birthdays! I’m still alive for now :kyleChristmas:

  17. RNR will win:KappaHD:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      1 hour ago, LukeTheSup said:

      When do they not?

      When someones sees you on foot at cap

    3. CocoisDead


      Cant win without a router :) @RNR @Corps

    4. Richard


      2 hours ago, CocoisDead said:

      Cant win without a router :) @RNR @Corps


  18. o7. Try not to spend to much time with the ‘ol Beemer
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