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  1. Make it so u can see the gang and how many players are in it on the server when u view players 

  2. Can we get no rain and a clean up script please

    1. Jerrod


      server is so laggy it needs it

    2. Evannn


      i think people have been asking for this for months and months now

      just it takes away from the "RP" for normal players

      l o l

  3. If I get mod I’ll make a Olympus gamers shower video @Ryan make it happen 

    1. JuanDeaged


      wtf does that even mean

    2. swrvy


      @JuanDeaged olympus gamers how we doin, page here looking for mod

    3. Page


      Only if I get it 

  4. Leave @Ryan alone he the only reason Olympus is still here 

  5. Why wasn’t PC for raids implanted immediately fat cops just ghawk everyone ruins it

    1. Civak


      Half of the warzone raid changes aren't on the live server.

      Cops are already getting hit hard with the 100% loadout fee (even for POs) for dying in warzone.

    2. Ziggyuwu


      32 minutes ago, Civak said:

      Cops are already getting hit hard with the 100% loadout fee (even for POs) for dying in warzone

      they make their loadouts back in like 2 tickets tho 

  6. ?imw=1024&imh=576&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=true

    nice clean up script devs please fix

    1. swrvy


      @Civak @TheCmdrRex some vehicles are despawning literally a minute after we hop out of them but they will still stack up on cap and not disappear for over an hour. maybe adding a windows key button for vehicles with no y inside that are in warzone that lets us "impound" them over 5 minutes of no interaction or something would be good. 

    2. Civak


      I personally haven't touched the clean up script but there were some changes within the last month

      did it work better 2 months ago than it does now?

  7. If anyone has any things they would like to change/implement to feds msg me. I have some things but always good to ask u guys 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. KrispyK


      Make the air system nuetral, cops have to take it to use it. A sustem message pops up if cops try to take it before a fed or during

    3. Jerrod


      make it to where we can ddos the anti air

    4. Page


      @KrispyK I see what ur going for but it will never in 100 years happen 

  8. next order of business. REMOVE VIGI'S 

    1. Hunter
    2. Skys


      Vigis need to be put down like a dog with rabies 

    3. 3 Rip

      3 Rip

      remove them from warzone yes from server no

  9. Vipers gang wars 1?
  10. Either server is lagging so bad bomb won’t blow or something has happened in the dev part side where bomb won’t blow this has happened twice now fix it please 

    1. i win

      i win

      I believe any lag right now can be attributed to @Mako, be sure to PM him directly with details of the exact problem.

    2. purge


      Revert the fucking update already, Thanks! ❤️ 

  11. Bring back cartel life 

  12. Free da boi juan he dont do nothing wrong

    1. Ryan


      He has been free’d

  13. Fix these shit sdars fucking dumb 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Civak


      It's already fixed for the next update

    3. Unjo


      I mean last update mods were flexing about playing and testing the new update and then it added more broken stuff than new stuff

      Like huh

    4. Civak


      I was not a member of the development team back then and cannot comment on that statement. 🤐

  14. @G F now we need 2 stop cheating man
  15. i need money

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Unjo


      How much I love to give money away

    3. Page


      @an overweight giant retard i have 5k i think bless me with a early Christmas present please 

    4. Elements
  16. yh what @maxg said eta on event team @Ryan

    1. maxg


      i'll be the event team manager and the discord manager @Ryan :kappahd:

  17. Teach me how to dev and ill dev

    1. VIXTOR


      1 hour ago, G F said:

      Oh no


    2. Strikke


      40 minutes ago, VIXTOR said:
      2 hours ago, G F said:

      Oh no



  18. Happy birthday gay boy @Jerrod

  19. 1 fed down more to come 


  20. Page

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