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Everything posted by Venomm

  1. congrats on the highlighter instrucor position @Karma

  2. happy birthday my son @lukie

  3. nah he just needs a little supervision
  4. @AmericanWaffle saw some boobies the other night if im not mistaken
  5. dear lord what did I stumble upon
  6. @Slumberjack @GluxDesigns @Shades and any other cloud blowers, happy 420

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rafa


      Happy 420!

    3. GluxDesigns


      I am celebrating for sure. Pretty fucking baked. Much love!

    4. Slumberjack


      Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yes!

  7. seems normal to me man idk what this is about
  8. Venomm

    WTS Armed Huron

    will trade armed hotdog for 3-4 fed cuts
    1. NameIess


      thank you man. surprised to see that u @'ed me since we haven't played in awhile

  9. dAAVEEEEEEEED @David Miller congrats

  10. @Mane happy birthday shooter, @syndrome thinks your the funniest guy on the entire planet

  11. Venomm

    APD on top

    does he have to take the sky hotdog to work?
  12. Venomm

    APD on top

    default profile adaptive crosshair and car95?
  13. @Rosscohappy birthday sheet monke!

    1. Noble


      #fart #gass #stinky #Future #shitter #stankass #SaveAustralia #noSHitPosts #BrotherPenguin

    2. Noble
    1. SPBojo
    2. Waddles


      SHEEEEEESH, im about to get in there with a rpg 


  14. God I love that my rank is dependent on walking past people in the most populated town with APD equipment. This is beyond a pathetic post.
  15. dude you literally take up the forums more than @Monks did holy shit
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