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Everything posted by Venomm

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. monster
    3. Lime


      Been there done that. You've seen it happen before Venom, thank @ monsterr  lmfao

    4. monster


      hehe .45 acp go brrrt

  1. @ Silton happy birthday piss boy

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Piss boy?  Whatever could you mean? ^____^

  2. @ Jonesy  Congrats dude, you are about to make my medic life a living hell. 😄


  3. "You already know shes getting her shitter railed" -@Maddox 2021

  4. Happy Birthday @buckie and @ikiled


    ig happy birthday to the canadian kid too @Cadenn

  5. @Nate Herokisses men
  6. -1 My lasanga never showed up, what a scam.
  7. Happy birthday Bomos Supervisor @XnavrasX

  8. @Cooper:P Air 1 and 2 about to be bussin off a fade with the fed update
  9. Happy birthday to the bank of @Ryan

    and chief developer man @PoptartRex

    1. Wong


      Corporal of the month btw

    2. Ryan


      Right to the bank 🙂 

      Thank you! 🥳🍻

  10. Congrats @Xlax

    1. Xlax


      thank you fellow gamer

  11. congrats jigger @jig

  12. @Fraali: Yeah we actually go through logs to see when staff uses silent ESP.


  13. Venomm

    New Here

    If you need help with anything (specifically medic things) feel free to find me here or in teamspeak for inquiries or anything else.
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