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Gang Wars Winner
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Everything posted by MarveL

  1. @ Fraali explain how mat is recording desktop videos but cheating please. ik BC has you on a leash but thats just sad. a admin who doesnt know how recording cheats works 

    1. Show previous comments  30 more
    2. Daniel_-
    3. grooovy
    4. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      @ Lucien  then why am i banned on wokka for scripting but have never been banned on oly for scripting 🤔 real talk tho if they think you can record desktop & cheat no wonder these kids can script for 6+ months without a ban lmao

  2. Shoutout to whoever gave us some of our conquest stats back

  3. MarveL

    cop tazers

    banning minorities smh
  4. Wheres our billboard? @ Zahzi  

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Zakaloko


      @ torre its ok man jerrod wasn’t in the roster so we good 

    3. torre


      Oh ok, seems clear then @ Zakaloko

      I would also like to thank you, publicaly, on your Burrito Making Service. We owe you it all.

    4. Zakaloko


      No problem we just the best out here 

  5. Only walt plays this server 30 hours a month
  6. pretty sure theres a couple in on me
  7. unban @ Drippp

    1. Drippp


      According to my alt I’ve been unbanned for 4 months 

    2. Tapatio


      💯 Supreme master leader @ Drippp

  8. https://gyazo.com/9293e502bf06bd13dbf1550f05319b2c 
    @ skroodZ  little paki pedo. i wonder if your family and job know? Dont talk shit again literally had to stop looking through screenshots cause how much weird pedo shit you say. I got many more if you think your not a freak weird fuck. embarrassment to your whole family. i wonder how long before you catch a charge. 12 year olds? wtf is wrong with you 

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. carstensen


      Sorry boys, it was little cousin. He is addicted to charli damelio he loves her dunkin coffee 

    3. mOE


      if you play arma you’re a pedo thats how it works

    4. Monks


      @ carstensen yo brother speaks nothing but facts 🙏

  9. https://gyazo.com/f0cd43303d00805e889dc291e7a169ef applying tho weird
  10. When a whole gang of cheaters ix can spin on this server for 3 months but crh is permed for getting a kill while lagging. theres def a cheat out there that makes you lag around for 10 minutes at a time good call manager ! 

  11. wait so now if people run into your frit or jump into it we can get out and kill them ? been banned for this multiple times. thanks for clearing it up i been passing up on alot of spangle kills recently cause i thought id be banned
  12. I dont see how you can cry paved. you literally vdm and shoot someone almost every conquest. pretty sure you did it last conquest actually lol how many vdm bans do you have
  13. Damn what happened @-sam

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. -sam


      i know aha x

    3. KEITH65
    4. Drippp


      @Adammm fuck you, you stupid scottish prick. ill send a muslim to your doorstep with a bucket full of acid ya lil bastard

  14. That didnt age well did it @Montez enjoy the global lispy 

    1. Show previous comments  32 more
    2. MarveL


      you say im alone then you say i live with my brother. you gotta choose

    3. MarveL


      new excuse is cod cheats @Montez ? hahahhaa

    4. Montez


      never said that but ok lol

  15. two different 5k points for sure @Zahzi 10k points is enough to make people punch there screens
  16. #freecrh youll unban globaled people but not someone whos banned of Koth 

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. MarveL


      i play 30 hours every 2 weeks for the conquest retard mussie. your a adult now and living in a bunk bed. you quit because juan didnt get sgt thats cringe. your 300 pounds and 5 foot 9. your dads on the watch list and your brother has to sleep in terror every night under your lard ass on the top bunk. 

    3. billdroid
    4. NotTea


      You left him speechless

  17. Imagine having to sing a song and get a unban after days of vdming lmao 

  18. MarveL

    wts sell AT

    dont talk about dead gangs tranny ass dyke. your a sperm whale and sound like nightingale
  19. MarveL

    wts sell AT

    Mason lost his influence when he stopped being a shooter
  20. @Truthy damn i guess we found out how you got better so fast ? 300 hours in the last 2 weeks you addicted little mutt i look forward to you ban evading giraffe neck retard. The ego you got from cheating is cringe and you fucking suck. you were hoodi before typhon 

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. MarveL


      @Truthyyy youre globaled and still on cqc hahahahahahahahahahha give up kid your addiction is over

    3. Drippp


      @MarveL my mans has gotta use the rest of his sub leave him be

    4. Masonn


      Damn really doing @HooDi like that

  21. when server restarts during a conquest lmao this server is actually shit and afk staff

    1. Zahzi


      The conquest scheduler bugged and ran 4 conquests instead of 2 - it wasn't supposed to still be running, hence why it might restart midway through.

      I'm sure if someone had messaged an admin or myself that the restart was going to clip a conquest the restart would've been modified though 😉

    2. lvy


      Calm it down cartel monkey

    3. Monks


      gets 4 conq instead of 2 > still mad :kappa:

  22. so how many kids in sfa have to cheat before someone gets a association ban ?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      Like what was said before. It is nearly impossible to prove that someone knows unless there is concrete evidence directly linking the player to the cheater. 

    3. KEITH65


      i did say id give u pov if u asked 

    4. darn fool

      darn fool

      Wtf this man is talking about needing evidence like that's ever mattered before 🥴

  23. @Headless for owner. 

    1. Monks


      ppl get mad at @ThatNerdyGuy  for @ ing apd every week but headless just @ ed half the god damn server lol

    2. Grandma Gary
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