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Olympus Entertainment 2024 Price Match & Black Friday Sales & $1000 Giveaway! ×


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Everything posted by lvy

  1. I like making sandwichs. I want to know what kind of meat you guys like. Is it ham? turkey? roast beef? or bologna? Vote on your favorite sandwich meat. also, fuck bologna
  2. bologna sucks

    Bologna (1 lb) | Jersey's Subs & Pizza

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. snipeZ


      reg turkey -1. Sara lee honey turkey +1 doe.

    3. lvy


      What bout roast beef ? chicken? sara lee who? @snipeZ

    4. snipeZ


      Prima della roast beef & chicken. Sara lee = brand. @ivy

  3. Arma is 9$ and DLCs are cheap right now

  4. scatting is fun when you know what you're doing but i would not compare it to cartel fighting
  5. idk who needs to hear this but, dont bet money you arent okay loosing!

  6. when a PO asks a  sAPD for corporal:


  7. good point tbh especially since most schools are closed and alot of people are home annnd summer is coming!
  8.  scam me out of 500k when you have like 30m lolol

  9. 10m and my instagram
  10. the blackmarket capping thing is toxic :

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. lvy


      @Bubbaloo Burrito i understand your point but most of time i go there to get a quick loadout only for 5 guys with gear to pull up on me and kill me making it unless to even go there unless i want to fight a bootleg cartel but ill give it a chance 🙂 

    3. silton


      7 minutes ago, ivy2 said:

      @Bubbaloo Burrito i understand your point but most of time i go there to get a quick loadout only for 5 guys with gear to pull up on me and kill me making it unless to even go there unless i want to fight a bootleg cartel but ill give it a chance 🙂 

      Don't need to cap it to get gears only for the good stuff. If you can't handle it don't do it

    4. Horizon
  11. Let me just rant about medics real quick. I don't agree on removing the denying thing because it gives medics a chance to get you and I can see people abusing it, anyways.. Its so frustarting when you request to be denied and they don't do it. It pops up on their screen and its orange on the map... its there yet mutiple times I request to be denied and a medic ignores it. Another thing that is so fucking annoying is when you die > medic comes > medic starts to revive > stops for no reason (litereally) > stands there for three mintues > then decides he wants to revive.... He had no gun to his head or anything. If I was denied then he should have denied me but no, that wasn't the case. I confront these types of medics that do this and ask them why, they have no answer... its always the basic paramedics too lol. Thats it. ~
  12. How much would you pay for an ENVG Helmet ? I've heard many prices from highest being 40 mil and lowest being 25 mil..... what would you pay? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. toxicc
    3. lvy


      @Outcast deal. lol but like people said it was 30m which seems like a lot. tbh, maybe 15-13mil 

  13. ok but blackwaters are so much more fun than feds. For  the apd, what is more fun to fight, fed or bw?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Crenshaw


      Whenever i fight bw I feel like I’m teleported to 1950s Alabama and get lynched ever wave

    3. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      maj is gone and civ council already askin apd about their feelings


    4. lvy


      lmao @Creepy not even

  14. blackmarket is like a bootleg cartel  

  15. Does pinapple belong on pizza? 

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      I think I’d rather have ass cock on my pizza

    3. Raquese
    4. lvy


      ok but pinapple and ham on pizza? 

  16. lvy


    I don't think betting should be removed because I do small bets ( like 1m bets and they help me ALOT and are soo fun! ) and i do alot of runs however, maybe limit the amount you can bet...(max 10m or 20m ) This can help stop the mass wins in the future and acutally have people do runs. Just a thought. How many people have you known quit the server because of betting? many...because who would want to play when you have just lost 800m...
  17. lvy

    WTS bw items

    2.5m for a mar 10?
  18. tbh i like the staff. everyone on top, especially the purple names
  19. you know its still crazy when kav scats still at it with the BW 8-9 lmao

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Any chance of changing your gang name to three to one three to one!? 

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