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Retired Chief
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Everything posted by EatMeth

  1. Toe Knee goin have his hands full now
  2. Inb4 Olympus has fallen v5

  3. Looking for egirls that will sleep with me on Discord/Skype. Will come and defend you even if you are wrong :eatmeth:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ninjaman427
    3. Orgondo


      Wow you’re bringing alot to the table

    4. PoptartRex


      Should have added: "Will send address if you are Asian"

  4. I feel bad for support team if these are the monkeys you deal with. Support Team Quad Bike Skin Incoming.


  5. Playing Destiny 2 and Going for that young Goat Sub Emote. https://www.twitch.tv/eatmeth

  6. Looking for someone who can sketch something up for me willing pay a bit.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Orgondo


      Meth no one is gonna sketch you up some anime titties so you can get a tattoo of it

    3. Goodman


      lmao who gave this man designer... 

  7. When you press del instead of your redgull key :bigcheefface:

    Rip 1.5 mill

  8. When you get 60 frames in Kavala square :pog:

    1. BENJI


      I couldn't agree more

    2. KrispyK


      i noticed that too, did they optimize something?

    3. Rusty


      is kavala still lit? i might have to get on one day and rdm everyone :)

  9. @ All of you
  10. If you don't eat ass you haven't lived.







    Also hope you enjoy the new legal system :)))))))))))))))

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Main


      Would liked to have seen a sign up sheet for individual players that could look for teams

    3. Linka


      is the minecraft gang wars happening?

  11. The 5 Freeway is dogshit.

    1. Tman15tmb


      I'm going to assume you are just fucking with him and you're not actually one of the circle jerk "facebook" retards? 

    2. Dejay


      It's the I-5 idiot. thanks

  12. Time to avoid the internet for the next few hours....

    1. iPopsicle


      Dumbledore dies!

    2. ItsGG


      Theon's a lil bitch. 

  13. PSA : If you see Senior Apd on civ at cartels and dumpster on them PLEASE TALK SHIT.

  14. G A M E O F T H R O N E S I S :pog:

    1. Tman15tmb


      I heard the new season started tonight? I'm out of the loop.. Feels bad.

  15. GAME OF THRONES HYPE TONIGHT BOYS :pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog::pog:

    1. Goodman
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      *SPOILER* If I had a functional vagina it would rival Niagara Falls. *SPOILER*

  16. Just sayin.


    1. Virus1


      No one wanted to see that shittage anyways

  17. Selling prime S1 kavala cop killing house :) Camp the cop gates all day :)



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DashTonic


      was that sandmans house?


    3. EatMeth
    4. falcon


      I'll buy it, but I need to know how much you are looking for first :3

  18. ITS MY BOI 

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY :bigcheefface:

  19. Might be doing some cartel related events tomorrow if I wake up :P

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