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Everything posted by iPopsicle

  1. Ya, it's one of them.
  2. Jesus Christ what a story arc @Mr GOAT

    1. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      I fucking know right

    2. Linka


      You can’t change my mind that this was planned 

  3. April fools
  4. It's okay, I'm 22
  5. How's the beard?
  6. Congrats @TheMrB. I am sure you will do mighty fine taking it up the ass in prison 🙂 Rot in hell retard

  7. Don't promote @Ryan to mod. You only like him cause of that game he gifted you. 😧

  8. Happy birthday @ignis

  9. Fire up the GHawk and meet me @ Kavala Square bby
  10. Hi @Grandma Gary This is a wonderful post. There is a lotta opportunity with Mr.Dollface that I already have a list going for @McDili and myself to complete... Signed yours truly, The virgin
  11. #TheGuyPostingAboutGoogleisRetarded

  12. No point in looking for people here, they're all apes!
  13. My peak in Arma 3


    1. 1-800TryHards


      Retard cops could've just tased you when you escorted him smh.....

  14. Congrats on dev @codeYeTi

    1. monster


      You just did this man more dirty than @Skys taking BFO gang funds

    2. codeYeTi


      Honestly they'd be open to hearing about it now.

      I gotta get past the first couple weeks at a new job, but I'll be going for it.

  15. I don't see any staff tag YA APE
  16. Player sanctioned giveaway prizes pools. While Olympus has been granted Bohemia's approval for monetization this does not appear to extend to regular players.
  17. Arma physics follow me where-ever I go...


  18. Anyone else pre-order a pixel 4 xl yet? Huge upgrade from my 2 xl can't waitttt

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. John Wayne
    3. MAV


      I got the black, but I'm second guessing on the orange lolol

    4. Piner


      I get mine on the 28th 😀

  19. @Ryan So happy Olympus enrolled in the Make-a-Wish program to let these two pretend they are of value to something @Civak @rabeed

    1. Show previous comments  47 more
    2. MAV


      @Ryan been waiting to put you in the ground via a boxing match for like 9 months.... lets go boi

    3. Elements


      yea fuck the devs that volunteer their time for free and do an alright job!

    4. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Oh wowzers...46 notifications later

  20. Remember that Olympus ship analogy? Well, here it is now.

    Image result for picture of ocean

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DeadPool


      Richard we would throw your ass overboard before anything stfu retard

    3. Richard


      @DeadPool you couldn’t lift my fat ass to throw me overboard 

    4. DeadPool


      Richard we would

      again let me reference the retard

  21. Fuck you
  22. Would this be a bad time to ask if I could buy an unban?

    1. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      I’m sure rapidaax will permit it

    2. Richard
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