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Everything posted by iPopsicle

  1. In other news my nose is stuffy :(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Orgondo


      Fuck you retard, sorry baby I have to be equal for everyone so I hate everyone equal just like plumber

    3. iPopsicle


      @draMa No. If I was rude to him earlier tonight was cause I am sick and it hurts to talk. Sorry @destruct :(

    4. Ryan


      1 hour ago, Ignis said:

      @draMa No. If I was rude to him earlier tonight was cause I am sick and it hurts to talk. Sorry @destruct :(

      Hes so sad he isnt even gonna respond to this! YOU ANIMAL

  3. Good luck @Kyle Lake

    1. darn fool

      darn fool

      Change your profile pic back before I get withdrawls

  4. Okay Ladies and gentleapes be patient with the forums until this afternoon when I get home from work. They should stay up, but I am a monkey after all :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CIA JOSH
    3. Ryan


      OS got the pitchforks ready

    4. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      I heard Kavala scats are bringing the torches. I’ll bring beverages 

  5. Congrats @Ignis


    1. Decimus


      It really do be like that sometimes

  6. that new i5 and 1070 would be great for Arma. You'll be forced to get ddr4 which is better than what you're using. Another great thing to get is a ssd. Put windows and Arma on the ssd and you will be golden.
  7. b23f7b096292aab7753a09fe735014a2.png




    If you remember the last one, you are actually OG

    1. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Hope you hit some big waves on that jet ski :Kappa:

    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Hmmm. I believe that was Odin who shaved? Correct me if I’m wrong? 

    3. iPopsicle
  8. What happened to the Comic Sans? :(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. iPopsicle


      Is it not? It looks like it is

      1 minute ago, Bloodmoon said:

      His name text needs to be bold on the who's online list


    3. Bloodmoon


      1 minute ago, Ignis said:

      Is it not? It looks like it is


      Doesn't look like it to me, the text looks more thin than it used to.

    4. iPopsicle


      @Bloodmoon I fixed itttttttttttttttt

  9. Then like it
  10. It's @lou25000's mom
  11. I last about four seconds, why you ask?
  13. I am thankful that were are all getting along in this post
  14. Incorrect, @Orgondo shot me but I was wearing my cup.
  15. Forgive the seizure causing flickering, think my G-Sync fucked the recording or something, but I asked a handful of the people playing on the servers what they are thankful for and these are the results... Happy Turkey Day Everybody!
  16. When a SAPD member gets a lethal when raiding warzone..


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. iPopsicle


      @communistjosh You are no longer my favorite shit poster. :( I will change song because now I am an insecure little boy who's epoints are in danger

    3. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      @Ignis Im so very sorry :( 

  17. Vigilante hands up or be tazed!

    1. -dante-


      Event menu —-> Ignis ——> Add ——> Kill selected player 

    2. Elements


      Esc —-> Alt F4 —-> FreeDdoser.com —-> sending lays chips —-> recive pizza in return

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