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Everything posted by iPopsicle

  1. Enjoy the buttery smooth gameplay
  2. Just make your own birth certificate works every time, right @G.O.A.T.?
  3. happy-birthday-you-crazy-puerto-rican.jp

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Not fair @Ignis. You always called me Mexican and @Julian gets credit for being Puerto Rican? Racism I tell ya! racism! 


    2. iPopsicle
    3. Julian


      Well,I do actually look like a white american male so suck my fat left ballsack.

      But thank you for the good birthday wishes.

  4. CANNOT wait for next months donation goal. :pog:

  5. If you come within a 150m distance of me I have a bday present with your name on it 


    (not the gun but what it shoots btw)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. iPopsicle


      @Falcon that's a newspaper.

    3. Lucki


      I don't see Fedot's name anywhere in that picture...  Sounds like false advertising to me.

    4. Fedot


      lmao i was gonna be like BITCH U GOT ME A NEW GLASS? IM CUMIN OVER RN

      also there is no fucking reason to have a Glass that large in our area on a AR15.... That's called murder @Ignis

  6. Step 1: Don't be in Kavala Step 2: ?????? Step 3: Profit.
  7. By criminal record do you mean ban history? If so your ban history resets after two months w/o a ban, and no we cannot reset it for you.
  8. It were bein' just a meme, no tags be goin' t' permanently stay. Splice the mainbrace! Yaaarrrrr!
  9. Happy birthday you grumpy caterpillar! 

  10. Thank you for keeping the Somalian pirates away. I will sleep safely tonight!
  12. Happy Hanukkah @Savage and @Proud you little gremlins.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Savage


      Thanks. Quick question, how many girls you get with that baby face? You forgot to mention my boy @Ryan he a richer Jew than me, rocking 3 houses all being mansion size

    3. iPopsicle


      @Savage enough that I need two hands to count. 

    4. Ryan


      ey yo @Savage why you just reveal me like that tf lmao trying to stay on the DL, now I gotta donate to Olympus -_-

  13. Can confirm I will ban if I see spoilers bout the new Star Wars.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. iPopsicle


      @Snare Don't you worry the chief has been notified. @G.O.A.T.

    3. Snare


      NOOOOOO!!!!!!! in luke voice who in the movie... nvm.

      Jokes jokes i havent seen it either.

    4. Poseidon


      There's a dude with a red light saber that kills things, ha spoiled! (i never watched any star wars idk shit)

  14. @Amazon Prime I give you $50 every year and you are only 17?! I demand a refund.

  15. If you cannot get a new motherboard I guess an amd 8350 or better am3+ socket cpu. Arma 3 relies on single core performance where intel soars in. A ssd helps too, but not as much.
  16. So proud of you man grats dude big day for APD @caleb xD

    1. caleb xD

      caleb xD

      Thank you so much <3 :Kappa:

  17. @Rzr I haven't been this surprised since @snipeZ got corp :o

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. last
    3. Savage


      But snipez was a corp last wasn't 

    4. bigSMOKE


      4 hours ago, Savage said:

      But snipez was a corp last wasn't 

      Talking about the first time he got it 

  18. Because of this..... I'm going to kill Gibbs! o7
  19. Admin ESP never looked so good...


    1. RambleR


      One sexy mo fo right there xD

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