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Everything posted by Horizon

  1. o7 friends 200m cleaned no motivation to rebuild


    salty af cant find motivation to play again not fun having no rockets on the back stpd nerds bye

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Horizon


      @Joce those 50m bets itch my balls so hard 😞

      @Revise i dont wanna be poor 😞 i miss robbing people to ruin their night and not even sell the drugs now i have to sit and process after a rob smh so toxic

    3. Juwanna Man

      Juwanna Man

      learn to grind


    4. billdroid


      Good jokes ur obsessed with arma 3 like everyone else

  2. Lets say a prayer for those who bet above 50m now there is a 1b cap I wan't eddy and rabid to do a 200m bet
  3. why does a boomer like @Richard gotta say "who?" when we all saying RIp juice like hes cool for not knowing who he is...



    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Richard


      That’s what I was going for.  Nailed it!

    3. Slumberjack


      @Richard is just building up his bad Karma as usual 🤣

    4. Linka


      @Richard There's a complete difference of not mourning and being disrespectful lol. I didn't think anything of it but reading your replies you typed in a negative connotation. It's just immature, it doesn't have anything to do with having a different view on death. 

  4. If I was mod, I would ban anyone that beat me in a bet

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Strikke


      @Hunter. I know, but technically they dont have "infinite money" in their bank. they can just spawn in more money tho.

    3. Geralt of Rivia

      Geralt of Rivia

      @Strikke Either way, my statement stands. I don't see why an Admin can't just say "I won't spawn myself any money, let me bet my legit money" lol

  5. why does support say theres 60 pending R&R apps

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. maxg


      @Richard Is just too inactive to do it 

    3. Slumberjack


      @Richard How do I do apps again?

    4. Richard


      @Slumberjack from what I have noticed, you don’t do them.

  6. buying AT offroad / ghosthawk



  7. theres no cam? smh OP dissapointed
  8. yes then we can hunt for taking his rank away
  9. GP6Vm1k.png


    50m bets wya who tryna get cleaned

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Billeh


      I wanna see 0 in mine or your bank accounts

    3. Billeh


      so when you wanna get cleaned?

    4. Horizon


      @Billybobjoe flew out to visit the fam for thanksgiving.. will be back all saturday night gl

  10. can we roast @djdarkmunk for having over 100m and not spending a dime 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. djdarkmunk
    3. djdarkmunk


      @Horizon ill have you know i have a chrome Mohawk was over 10 mill m8

    4. Orgondo


      It’s definitely DJ, Cats will piss away money every now and then, especially if he gets drunk. DJ hasn’t spent a dollar in years.

  11. in 2014-15 i remember this server used to have this thing i cant remember tho... i think it was called roleplay or something..
  12. how much do ghosthawks go for?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ryan
    3. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      ip access for 5 seconds

    4. Horizon


      @Ryan I was already offered 2 hugs nice try scammer..

  13. stop wasting ur votes on staff who don't login smh
  14. we're not a community we're groups of people who hunt to get other groups dewhitelisted/banned

    1. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      You're just figuring this out?

    2. Shut Up

      Shut Up

      the definition of community is a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common

      We are all in the same place getting each other banned and playing arma together. Thats two characteristics and a place.

      Just a really shitty community is what i think you were trying to say

  15. don't be sensitive or you'll hate it here
  16. I got a 2 crater max 1500 storage lmk
  17. Im doing the same but paying 23k ea message me fuck OP
  18. dont cry because its over, but grateful it happened
  19. Discord: zHoriizon#9919
  20. i need rpg rockets pls 20k ea wp
  21. lEaKiNg PerSoNaL iNfOrMaTiOn 582251231012192283.png?v=1

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