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Luke Duke

APD Officer
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Everything posted by Luke Duke

  1. Can one of the tech support people change my forum name to LukeDuke, no one knows how to pronounce Bocephus


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aress



      25 minutes ago, DashTonic said:

      Put a general inquiry in the support tab

      To late

    3. Bow
    4. Luke Duke
  2. when your cellphone provider starts throttling you for using too much data


  3. Anyone else keep losing connection to the Olympus Arma Servers?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Randyy


      you better be my mom didnt buy this 50$ booter for nothin

    3. iPopsicle


      6 hours ago, Randyy said:

      you better be my mom didnt buy this 50$ booter for nothin

      She probably uses it on your own internet when you don't make your bed.

    4. Luke Duke

      Luke Duke


  4. Linus has a good video on the differences between the platforms.
  5. Throwback to 2015


  6. Anyone here remember Xfire

  7. When the T4 orca wont climb and you are on your way to sell meth


    1. Fusah


      a BIT close 

  8. @McDili @Jesse Would it be possible to implement a option into the user interface/cell phone to disable the animations of NPC's for better FPS. I mean I dont think an NPC kicking an invisible tire is necessary

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Poseidon


      I optimized those as much as possible, no animations play and simulation gets disabled as soon as you're like 100m from an npc.

    3. Luke Duke

      Luke Duke

      Every little bit helps

  9. @McDili can you lower the ak12 price to a reasonable level

    1. Africa


      yes please somewhere around 100-150k

    2. PoptartRex


      Was already brought up at staff meeting. *Should* be revised in next update. *Should* 

    3. Africa


      @TheCmdrRex ya thank you for your work and service yung man

  10. Want to remake |BIONIC|
  11. Who can i message about putting a custom billboard up in Kavala square?

    1. Bow


      I think our advertising space is full at the moment :P

    2. Savage


      Win the gang war and u get 1 for free

    3. zoomzooooooom
  12. Johnny Cash the GOAT
  13. Got tickets to see Hank Jr next Saturday!


  14. ofc fucking dashtonic 


    1. 3 Rip

      3 Rip

      is this guy like a brony or something

    2. platinumfire
  15. @Snare

    Wait - you can get permed for Racism?

    1. DeadPool


      The coon killer him self

    2. Snare


      yeah these admins are :Kappa:s.

    3. HyperGoat


      @Bocephus I thought you died


    1. big niko

      big niko

      "Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame"

    2. Snare


      Well I mean Tupac Shakur was a better artist then any of the guys listed there IMO but he's definitely not Rock XD



    1. DeadPool


      Pretty sure I found a new desktop background




    2. Luke Duke

      Luke Duke

      thats been one of my desktop backrounds for a while now lol

  17. Deputies today will never know the struggle of the cardboard vest and P07s. Nor will they ever know the deputy run.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Luke Duke

      Luke Duke

      It was the corporal vest I think

    3. JoeL


      They wont know the struggle as a sgt.

    4. TheRandomOne


      Struggle? Pretty sure yall we're rocking only PO7s before the 9mm nerf. The PO7 used to be a weapon that was awesome. If I had to choose between a deputy sting now and the old PO7, I'd choose the PO7  any day of the week.

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