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R&R Medic
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Everything posted by Dog

  1. yoinks scoob................



  2. Hell yeah brother, good stuff getting sergeant 

  3. You are new around here. If you were here 2 years ago you would understand.
  4. 128b96df19bdbc13578b7eeabfdbf51d.png

    Boys the attendance is getting better.  

    1. Egnazio


      what is your laugh?

    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      How old is that? Lol

    3. Dog



      i was trying to be quiet 


      like 6 months

  5. i actually just got false game banned on rust.. i hadnt played in like 3 days


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ItsGG


      25 minutes ago, Superiorr said:

      that steam background is sick

      real shit was thinking the same thing whats that background??

    3. Dog
  6. y.i.k.e.s
  7. bruh dont look at my profile stalker

  8. 3f2385c8c62a929363dae8fe5e21e677.png

    Update: still skipping at a steady rate


    But aye look at that A down there ;)


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RambleR


      Hope you're not in college.. good ol waste of money and time. 

    3. Dog


      @RambleR High school, Just will study for mid terms and pass easy.

      @Tom Never!

      @Excision bet

      lmfao @Buffalo Bill go away you stupid cunt

  9. 10/10 Yikes
  10. @Ignis you smell like cheese.
  11. Dog


  12. a20b1fe3d5c512f3e2a4b1c102b05c84.png

    i go to school sometimes

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Vcx


      im shit at test taking soooo yeah.....

    3. Dog
    4. Lucki


      @Jesse I would argue that "being social with retards" is actually a very important life skill to have. If you have no social skills, it makes it very hard to do many things.

  13. @DeadPool1337 o7 nerd
  14. @Peter Long Bruh i was gonna make that minecraft soup pvp montage like i said... took me like an hour to find a server with people on it and this shit happens everytime you go to fight someone.

  15. Dog

    Server 3?

    hell yeah boi
  16. @TheCmdrRex the biggest snake has come up

    cratz nobhead

  17. i like em
  18. rip
  19. yeah ill try that
  20. i just reinstalled the game, less then a week ago i was completely fine and just the past few days its been happening constantly.
  21. 8gb
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