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June Update WYA?

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48 minutes ago, TheCmdrRex said:

Hey all,

As I am certain most of you have been absolutely the most patient on awaiting the next development update, I wanted to give you some notice and transparency to the situation.

The next update is nearly done. It is pretty beefy and will get us caught up on long overdue things. The reason this has taken so long as there has been large changes in the development team, from an LOA from Fusah, to ikiled stepping down, and now myself taking on the role of Lead Developer, our ArmA development team has been shot to shit. That being said, this is going to be fixed very soon. @Pledge and @destruct are now contributing to the development, and there are 2 more applicants who are currently being worked with on final interview tasks, etc. 

Another reason this update has taken so long to get out was because of changes in the infrastructure of the development and design team. As I worked my way up to Lead, I saw where there were a few issues in access, communication, and just organization of design and development. Specifically, lots of changes have occurred with the map design team in order to ensure higher quality designs with less bugs and issues. I am also implementing more behind the scenes stuff to additionally ensure higher quality designers whilst giving @rapidaax and @Gluxdator the freedom needed to get their jobs done efficiently. 


The reason this post is going out now is that the next update will not be released until at least the week of July 8th. This is my ideal  update time at the moment. I will be on a vacation from July 1st to July 6th. In order to make this beefy update as high quality as possible, the development team still has a good amount of testing to do, and finishing touches on the bank as well. This update time also allows us to add the Contact DLC (which releases July 25th) content with a hotfix by the end of the month.



  • ETA on update is July 8th - July 12th (will keep you all updated on that)
    • Yes I will have 4th of July content be within FULL month of July afterwards
  • Contact DLC hotfix after release
  • New Devs coming soon
  • (Hopefully) Better updates from now on
  • Definitely more frequent updates from now on


Hopefully you all will enjoy the transparency that is usually only given to staff.






Oh and @hawk before you shitpost


Thanks for the update 

5 hours ago, TheCmdrRex said:

Hey all,

As I am certain most of you have been absolutely the most patient on awaiting the next development update, I wanted to give you some notice and transparency to the situation.

The next update is nearly done. It is pretty beefy and will get us caught up on long overdue things. The reason this has taken so long as there has been large changes in the development team, from an LOA from Fusah, to ikiled stepping down, and now myself taking on the role of Lead Developer, our ArmA development team has been shot to shit. That being said, this is going to be fixed very soon. @Pledge and @destruct are now contributing to the development, and there are 2 more applicants who are currently being worked with on final interview tasks, etc. 

Another reason this update has taken so long to get out was because of changes in the infrastructure of the development and design team. As I worked my way up to Lead, I saw where there were a few issues in access, communication, and just organization of design and development. Specifically, lots of changes have occurred with the map design team in order to ensure higher quality designs with less bugs and issues. I am also implementing more behind the scenes stuff to additionally ensure higher quality designers whilst giving @rapidaax and @Gluxdator the freedom needed to get their jobs done efficiently. 


The reason this post is going out now is that the next update will not be released until at least the week of July 8th. This is my ideal  update time at the moment. I will be on a vacation from July 1st to July 6th. In order to make this beefy update as high quality as possible, the development team still has a good amount of testing to do, and finishing touches on the bank as well. This update time also allows us to add the Contact DLC (which releases July 25th) content with a hotfix by the end of the month.



  • ETA on update is July 8th - July 12th (will keep you all updated on that)
    • Yes I will have 4th of July content be within FULL month of July afterwards
  • Contact DLC hotfix after release
  • New Devs coming soon
  • (Hopefully) Better updates from now on
  • Definitely more frequent updates from now on


Hopefully you all will enjoy the transparency that is usually only given to staff.






Oh and @hawk before you shitpost


enjoy your vacation you deserve it @TheCmdrRex

I like the transparency, a lot of people have been asking me when the next update would be done and I could only tell them "soon.." with the hopes I wasn't lying. Thanks for all your hard work @all dev staff!

1 hour ago, Silton said:

I really don't see why you don't let @codeYeTi contribute

yeah give the homie another chance 

Whats  the  fourth of july  content im only   interested  in that 

Edited by FULTKING
10 minutes ago, FULTKING said:

Whats  the  fourth of july  content im only   interested  in that 

Fireworks for all with lowered cooldowns and maybe some limited edition textures.

4 minutes ago, Peco Teco said:

Soon could mean anything. Soon could be three weeks.

It's basically done. I am getting home from work tonight and immediately finishing up the last testing and getting textures in. After that I am at the mercy of Fusah because I need him to teach me how to update properly.

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