🎆Happy New Year!🎇
Hey Olympus!
The year of 2024 was a mixture of ups and downs for us as a team. Although we have dealt with our hand of challenges, I think it is safe to say that this has been a good year for us. Our player count has been so consistently high that we have increased our servers max player count from 150 to 200 slots. As a development team we look forward to continuing the curation of creative and engaging content that our players can enjoy right along with us. Having e
HD Textures
Textures can now be added uncompressed to the Client Mod and display correctly in shops
These will replace the base entries and provide higher fidelity
Some uniforms are still being supplemented but 90% of faction uniforms are completed
Civilian Uniforms are still being worked on but the largest completed portion are Ghillie suits and the Camos
New uniforms ca
Cookoff 🧪
Dynamic moving run that you must find on the map each restart and play very close attention to when your process to make batches of Compound O
The cookoff process can be started by fueling a generator next to the RV
1 full fuel can will be required to start the generator
1 empty fuel can will be returned
A large smoke piler will rise from the generator while active
FOV Check
FOV above 100 will now be flagged and require you to change it
PAID Gang Fatigues @ Secret Agent
COB Gang Fatigues
Hot Shots Gang Fatigues
Nemesis Gang Fatigues @ Secret Agent
Nemesis CSATs @ Secret Agent
Nemesis Ifrit @ Secret Agent
NSFW Gang Tracksui
Material Delivery Contracts
Legal item processors will have the option to start a item delivery mission at a random nearby DP NPC
Only DP NPCs within 5 km will be chosen
Cannot be restarted until contract expires or is fully completed
Players will be able to sell up to 600 of the desired item based on which processor is used to start the contract
I.E. Sand processor will request Glass, Diamond
Vehicle smokes are now server side and 1:1 with each client (was the result of severe server lag and all net issues from 2.18 have been resolved)
Festive Surprises
Reintroduced Holiday Events and Items
Santa Drops
Santa will fly over one major city and drop presents off
Presents will auto-unseal after 2 minutes of landing and contain physical and virtual items
Player Duels
1v1 Wild West duel type event
The event can be started through the windows interact menu. Duels can be started anywhere
You can place a wager of up to $500,000 on each duel
5 second countdown prior to starting
Duels Won
Duels Lost
Event Rules:
Must have a lethal
Any other weapons/gear is allowed
🎃 Pumpkin Marathon
The "Pumpkin Marathon" is an Escape from Tarkov inspired "marathon" event with a Halloween theme for Olympus.
Players participating in the Marathon players must find and harvest a series of pumpkins placed around the map.
Outside of the riddles and map circles players will not have any information outside of what their friends may have accrued themselves.
Marathon r
Purchase tickets at any gas station, and see current player chosen numbers with ;ptickets
1 Draw a week on Sunday at 1PM EST
10 tickets available per person per draw
3 numbers plus a PB bonus ball chosen
Jackpot does NOT reset if there are no jackpot winners!
Billboard in Kavala showing current jackpot and time until d
Black Cunts
CSAT Fatigues
Kentucky Crips
Camera view is now saved on death
If a player dies in third person and is revived they'll automatically be put back into third person
SWAT capturing a flag now prevent re-capture of that flag for 1 minute
Client Mod
Client Mod
New Weapon skins have been distributed to Rebel Weapon shops if players have the Client Mod loaded
These will currently be free and available to all players but it is subject to change
Mar-10 (Dragonlore) @ jig
Mar-10 (Printstream) @ Mako
Mk-1 (Printstream) @ Mako
Mar-10 (Gold) @ Mako
Mk-1 (Gold) @ Mako
Mk-1 (BattlEye) @ Mak
Evidence Locker Database
Items seized by the APD will now be stored in a database until 2 AM EST
Upon completion of the Evidence Locker Escort event items seized throughout the day will be placed in the evidence locker truck
Blacklisted items (mainly Blackwater obtained items) still remain blacklisted and still have a 15 percent chance of being added to the evidence locker database
The Evidence Locker database will
Blackjack dealer AI rework
The dealer will no longer keep pulling after 17
The dealer will now always hold on a value 17 or above
The dealer will only continue to hit at 17 if it is a "soft 17"
Players will always be able to double down on their first hand
Should generally be as fair/rigged as an actual casino
Blackmarket loadouts
Alike rebel outposts, players able to create, manage and purch
Steam Rich Presence™️ for all maps
All maps now indicate what is being played by your friends for ease of access
ex: Olympus Conquest -> Olympus Conquest (Altis)
Players now receive Dopamine at the end of a round automatically
Additional Carrier Rig for Clientmod users
Added all existent Client Mod clothing to Rebel Clothing
Carrier Lite (Snakeskin) to Spc.
A3 2.14 Bandannas
10th Anniversary
CSAT Pilot Coveralls to Warpoint shop for 15WP
Enhanced BW Loot chance
Gold sell price increased by 10%
Evidence Locker Rework
Evidence Locker now has a buy-in fee ($500k)
Money is taken directly from the starting player's bank
Change Evidence Locker to be an escort-style event
Requires 7 Police to start
Players must hold a
Client Mod Weapons
SCAR-H 7.62mm
SR-25 7.62mm
SR-10 7.62mm
Sting 9mm to Rebel Weapon shops
Porting for Ifrit (360 Smoke)
Mar-10 to SWAT Point shop for 45 SP
.338 LP magazines available for $15k or 1 SP
ENVGs added to Airdrop at 10% chance
LRR .408 added to Airdrop at 10% chance
Comes with 7x 7rnd magazines
HEMTT Cargo (Device)
Base Price: $750,000
Base Storage: 750
Scrap Price:
Scrap Reward: 6000
Craft Price: 8625
This vehicle can mine raw materials similar to the Tempest Device at the same rate
Deadman Switch
Upon usage of the deadman switch Y-Item alongside a suicide vest, a player will explode upon death
Being in a downed state (tasers, vehicle
Ability to have Caps permanently show without additional Tilde UI
Toggled in the settings menu
Additional kill notifications
Players now receive special killstreak notifications based on their kill count with a special color
Dominating - 2
Rampage - 4
Onslaught - 6
Savage - 8
Relentless - 10
Brutal - 12
Ruthless - 1
Player Interaction Wheel (In Beta - Enable in Y Settings Menu)
All factions have a new and improved interaction menu with actions:
Global Actions:
Main Menu: Put in Vehicle, Treat Person, Escort / Stop Escorting, Restrain / Unrestrain, Blindfold / Unblindfold
Give Sub-Menu: Money, Items, Keys
Civilian Only Actions:
Main Menu: Remove Kidney, Bet M
🎄 Festive Surprise 🎅
New Event
Snow (Dec 20th-25th) 🌨️
Santa Drops (Dec 20th-25th) 7:00 PM EST 🎅
Santa will fly over one major city and drop presents off
Presents will auto-unseal after 2 minutes of landing and contain physical and virtual items
Once he finishes, he will fly over the warzone
Santa and his acco
Halloween Event
New Community Goals
Purchase a full spectrum camera and P.K.E. meter to find and take pictures of ghosts found all around the map.
Only 10 ghosts will be available for pictures per restart.
Grave Robber
Players can purchase a machete and scalp dead players for their heads
At any grave you can
Added Compatibility with Olympus Megaquest
Menu GUI now has buttons for Mission Downloader, Steam group, Forums
Ghillie suit Top and Full
Replaces Diving Goggle variants
300 Identity types w/ new Tattoos
GPNVG replacers for Fullscreen NVG and Jungle NVG
Additional Loadscreen assets
Icons for the mod and description data
SPAR default textures
Flashlight model replaced
IR Laser replaced
Beanie v
Olympus Exclusive Optional Client-side Mod
Enabling this is completely optional, it will give you different cosmetic visuals for items already existing in the game
Female head types
Model replacers for Enhanced Combat Helmets
Model replacers for Carrier Lite
Model replacers for Carrier GL Rig
Model replacers for Assassin Helmets
GA Carrier GL Rig (Black)