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Altis Life Update - 5/16/18 - Housing Inventory Overhaul

The crafting will come probably Friday of this week. Just had some stuff we had to figure out that was a bit more complicated than originally thought. - REMEMBER - with the new inventory system, etc., if it's too good to be true it's probably not intended and you should report what you've found. Please report any and all issues with the new systems directly via PM to Kurt & I. Thank you. Added: Redesigned house inventory storage Physical/Virtual items now accessed



Altis Life Update - 4/11/2018

Added: Donation Goal: 15% Discount on Weapon Shop Sales (Expires on 5/11/18) 15% Increase on legal/illegal run-based item sales (Expires on 5/11/18) Lottery System You are now able to buy lottery tickets from any gas station clerk for $50,000. The first person to purchase a lottery ticket will start the lottery event which will run for 30 minutes (short cooldown afterward). In the end, a winner is randomly picked and rewarded



Altis Life Update - 3/9/2018

Added: Donation Goal: Purchasable Striders from Rebel (Illegal) (Temporary) 15% discount on gang shed purchases & upgrades (Temporary) 15% discount on house purchases & upgrades (Temporary) Magazine Repacking (Perm) Use CTRL + R to repack your magazines Vigilante Overhaul Tier-based system unlocks new armor and firearms as you progress Tier 0: 0 arrests PO7 9mm



Altis Life Update - 2/8/18 - Its Thursday My Dudes

Added: Gang Garage Accessed only at your gang shed Any rank can store vehicles and/or add them to the gang garage Add vehicles to the gang garage through gang shed menu Functions similar to claiming an illegal vehicle Gang vehicles can be stored at any location where personal vehicles can be stored Rank 2+ can pull vehicles from the gang garage ALL gang members online at the time will get k



Altis Life Update - 1/11/18

Added: Manually added charge for "Aiding in Pharm. Robbery" for $40,000 Changed: Vigilantes can no longer instant un-restrain Players who are ziptied can be unrestrained without lockpicks (players restrained by the APD will require lockpicks to unrestrain) Type 115 Black is now non-lethal, Type 115 camo is now lethal Cops must be within 5km of the seized escort vehicle to receive payment Vigilante shops now sell gun licenses Vigilante shops



Altis Life Update - 12/26/2017

Added: Cops will see a red name and notification on players if they are restrained and require dopamine Admins can spawn Zamak, Hemmt and Tempest Fuel Admins can spawn both Cargo & Transport Vans When you are killed and respawn, you'll have an NLR marker on the map showing the area's radius you cannot return to Ability to flip vehicles which you have keys to, regardless of if you own it or not Slim Jim's, cops will now be able to unlock a car to move



Altis Life Update 4/15/17

Added • RnR Dispatch menu will display your distance to the unconscious player • New check that will clean up revive requests for disconnected players (map and dispatch menu) • RnR sirens for MH-9 Hummingbird • About 14 uniforms to Rebel outpost (including AAF divesuit) • About 4 L1 helmets, 8 L2 helmets, Mil Caps, boonies, caps to Rebel • Stavrou Tac Vest and GA Carrier Rig to Rebel • Several backpacks Changed • Kavala square object moved slightly to avoid blocke



Altis Life Update 4/5/17

Added: • APD can now check players for their licenses without restraining      • Player is notified when their licenses are checked and by who • Updated some RnR uniform and vehicle skins • Lollypop's to RnR shop. Act like redgulls but will heal players by 5 hp (medicinal ingredients) • RnR Huron for Coordinator rank • Preventions to stop shooting while downed • News team UAV • Capture the Flag event • Russian Roulette event • Police tear gas (MX GL and Spar16 GL) Remove



Altis Life Hotfix/Update 3/5/17

It's hotfix/update time. Added: RnR Dispatch system To access the menu, press 4 on your keyboard All dead players that have requested a medic will be listed. RnR can indicate that they are on route or DNR. The player gets a notification. Added: New "Allow Epipen" button has been added on death screen. Does not notify anyone.  Change: To be Epipen'd you will need to click "Allow Epipen". If you need a medic, you still need to click "Reque



13/12/16 - Small update/Hotfix

Enjoy looking at the correct formatting of the date Americans ^_^ ChopShop/Seize Fixes Cop House/Shed Search Fixes Cop payout splitting adjustments New pickup menu when picking up dropping inventory Gas Station Rework Blindfolds (Use interaction menu to add, can remove from yourself by accessing the I inventory when unrestrained) <---- This is currently not yet implemented.  An unforseen issue turne



Gang Warehouse Update

IT HAS ARRIVED!!!!   General Stuff Cops have the black ARCO added SAPD Uniforms have been updated NLR distance increased to 1,500m to limit spawns New NLR monitor to warn players when they're potentially/most likely breaking NLR Will report to admins... Hospital Heal cost is now $1,000 Added some new optics/attachments/items to vigilante store Added Spar Variant 5.56mm Decreased Sting Price Potential

Peter Long

Peter Long

Blackwater Update - 10/5/2016

Time for a massive update ladies and gentleman. Listed below are some things that you will see released in this update:   Time for another massive objective for you nasty rebels to attack! Blackwater Weapons factory is the newest addition to our server. Much like a Jail or a Federal Reserve Robbery, the Blackwater Weapons factory will require all of your skills and tactics to successfully rob. If you can survive against the onslaught of the APD, and successfully defend your bomb plant

Peter Long

Peter Long

Altis & Tanoa Life update 9/22/2016

Comparability update for 1.64 -Gang rank permissions updated     -Rank 1 - Regular Member     -Rank 2 - Recruiter (Invite players)     -Rank 3 - Super Recruiter? (Invite players and kick members)     -Rank 4 - Senior member (Promote/demote members, invite/kick, access gang funds)     -Rank 5 - Leader (all above permissions + disband / set new leader)      -Gathering exploit fixed -House crate exploit(s) fixed -Lockpick exploit fixed... probably -Added the civilian



Altis & Tanoa Life 8/5/2016 Update

-Greasy cord exploit with trunks fixed -All houses have their data synced right before restart to ensure data is saved properly -Exploit fixed with atm transfers -Epi pen timer increased from 5 minutes to 7 -Medics and APD should now be able to use epi pens now. -Civs without vigi licenses can no longer use shift-r to restrain downed players -APD textures updated -Orcas available to Corps -Type 115 for Corps -CMR-76 for Corps -Proper APD vest for deputies -Sgt helmet now av



Tanoa & Altis life update 7/11/2016

Tanoa & Altis changes New chat channel added for medics/cops to directly communicate with each other Mk-1s added to rebel shops 250$ increase to paycheck Large storage containers available for all Suicide vests should work properly under most circumstances now Compatibility added for Arma update 1.62   Altis Strider skin for R&R fixed   Apex vehicles and weapons will be added to Altis Life later this week. If you're impat



Tanoa Release & Altis Update 7/3/2016

Tanoa life released! Tanoa life is fully functional with lots of cool new stuff from the Arma 3 Apex Expansion. Everything except for gear/position/vehicles transfer between altis and tanoa. -Tanoa-------- -All new police textures (TPD) -New camo variants for ifrit and a few other vehicles added -Vehicles added     -Civ plane     -Civ RHIB (boat)     -Civ Blackfish (vehicle carrier)     -Civ Blackfish (infantry carrier)     -Civ Jeep     -Rebel Qili Unarmed   



Altis Life Update 4/30/2016 fixfixfix

This update is primarily fixes/patches. From long existing well know exploits, to random stuff that broke in the last update.   Changes/Features Market now fits into the Y-menu and looks better Give money added to Y menu Exploit Fixes Disabled vaulting while restrained if you have the 'diary' open (pressing J) Players no longer drop their weapons when they die Pulling dead players out of vehicles no longer drops their weapon nearby Disabled



Altis Life Update 4/21/2016

Updated mission for compatibility with Arma 1.58 Trunks should be visible for users with house keys where the owner of the house has not logged on yet Fixed an exploit with clothing shops allowing you to get free gear PlayerTags optimized Server restart messages should properly display now Note this is not all the features we've been working on, another update will come shortly.



Altis Life Update 4/4/2016

Update is coming out sometime later today, at that time all servers will go down for maintenance for ~30 mins.   Added persistent house key system  You can give out permanent property keys by using the property menu with a player nearby  You can 'change the locks' of a property to clear the list of people who have a key  People with a key cannot spawn at the property  Crates can only be accessed if the house owner is online  A



Altis Life Update 3/3/2016 + Hotfix

Added restricted air zones to jail and fed Helicopters flying near these zones will be warned If you fly too close you will hear a lock on sound for 10 seconds, if you do not fly far enough away a missile with fire at you The missile sites can be hacked and disabled Cops can repair the missile sites Re-made player tags a bit, custom 'tilde' functionality added. Placing your cursor over a player will display their player tags beyond the 1



Altis Life Update 2/2/2016

We're now introducing Altis Highway Patrol (AHP). Several new variants of highway patrol textures have been added including a new uniform. R&R Quad Bikes and R&R Boats now have lights and sirens. Admins should now accidentally teleport a lot less. More Capture the Flag changes have been made that should hopefully result in fixes for some major issues with it. Deputy Chiefs of Police and above now have access to the MX-SW. Sergeants and abov



Altis Life Update 1/9/2016

This is mostly an optimizations update, coming out next restart. ~6PM est. Changes: Fixed issue which would prevent players from spamming certain Arma actions like changing firing mode. Nerfed color some more Persistent vehicle system should now be reliable Support for offloading some of the most resource intensive server side functions to a headless client All data syncing offloaded to headless client Conversion from some scripted functions to engin



Altis Life Update 1/7/2016

Changelog: Vehicle Persistence through restarts A maximum of 1 vehicle per player will stay through restart. If you own 2 vehicles within 150m of your position on restart, only 1 will persist through restart. The owner of the vehicle must be online when the server restarts and within 150m of the vehicle for it to save The vehicles trunk will save through restart (only through restart, does not save if stored in garage) On server restart the sa



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