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Roundtable summary 2019-11-26

i win


A few things left in discussion this week, I'll include those in Decembers roundtable. Remember these are upcoming changes and additions - some of these will take some time to implement.


  • Increase gas station robbery payout based on online APD members
    • Base payout of 35k, increases by 10k per online officer, up to a maximum of 85k (5 cops).


  • Add the ability to pay gangshed rent a month in advance


  • Add a Sofia black market for Mushrooms
  • Design team will work to update the billboards more often.


  • Increase Salt, Silver, Copper, Glass and Cement sell prices by 20%
  • Processing speed bonus based on how much you process in a single sitting
    • The goal here is to lesson the burden of using larger vehicles and generally buff the pretty dull processing time the longer you do it.
    • This would stack with the other buffs you currently get (cartel capture and cops online).
    • Small vehicles will see a relatively small buff, whereas larger vehicles will see more of a prolonged benefit the longer you are able to keep processing.
    • This buff disapears if you stop processing for a couple of minutes, discouraging players from going AFK.
      • Legal with a WPL license.
        • 3% processing time decrease after 120 items processed
        • 6% processing time decrease after 180 items processed
        • 9% processing time decrease after 240 items processed
        • 12% processing time decrease after 300 items processed
      • Illegal - One ingredient (coke, heroin, etc)
        • 5% processing time decrease after 150 items processed
        • 10% processing time decrease after 210 items processed
        • 15% processing time decrease after 270 items processed
        • 20% processing time decrease after 330 items processed
      • Illegal - Three ingredients (moonshine, meth)
        • 5% processing time decrease after 50 items processed
        • 10% processing time decrease after 70 items processed
        • 15% processing time decrease after 90 items processed
        • 20% processing time decrease after 110 items processed
      • For example during an illegal run: A Van would recieve no bonus, a Truck Boxer would see a 5% bonus for his last backpack full, a Tempest Device would see a 5-15% bonus and only the 15% for the very last backpack full. A Hemmt Transport would be required to see the full 5-20%, with the 20% only being applied for the last two backpacks.


  • Improve the put player in vehicle function, prioritize vehicles that you have keys to in a close proximity
  • Bolt cutters for vigilantes purchasable from the vigilante outpost and legalized
  • SPAR-16S (no 150-round mags) added to tier 5 vigilante, replacing the Mk20c
    • This change properly reflects the amount of time and effort put into getting tier 5.
    • 150-round magazines are still illegal and purchasable at the warpoint shop only.

You can find the  roster for the @Civilian Council here. As always you can find details on how to apply here:


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Cartels council is weak. Paying gangshed rent in advance. Jimmy is really running that into the ground smh

  • Like 2
i win


5 minutes ago, billdroid said:

Cartels council is weak. Paying gangshed rent in advance. Jimmy is really running that into the ground smh

I think we're still all waiting for the new cartel events, etc. There are good changes coming if you look at past roundtables.



Bolt cutters for vigilantes purchasable from the vigilante outpost and legalized

I put that idea on the sheets in the beginning of this year and was told its a stupid idea because vigi's should have boltcutters yet they can go get them from bm for $500.

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Jimmy Jarvis


Forgot I was the only person with the ability to come up with ideas it’s a full council for Christ’s sake

Suggest some ideas...

i win


10 minutes ago, Grego said:

Bolt cutters for vigilantes purchasable from the vigilante outpost and legalized

I put that idea on the sheets in the beginning of this year and was told its a stupid idea because vigi's should have boltcutters yet they can go get them from bm for $500.

It was denied once during a staff meeting too, I guess the idea got there in the end.



Why the fuck did you give us a spar 16s instead of the 150 drum mags

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i win


2 hours ago, Fuck Cops said:

Why the fuck did you give us a spar 16s instead of the 150 drum mags

They originally argued for a 6.5mm carbine, we obviously stomped on that idea. The reason the vigilante reps gave for wanting the 6.5mm was, in part, so they could engage better at slightly longer ranges. The SPAR-16S allows them to do this, within reasonable distances while still not being quite as strong as a 6.5mm weapon.

I think I speak for everyone, excluding Vigilantes of course, when I say we don't want a bunch of rebel camping rats having easy access to 150-round drum mags. You can still buy them for warpoints, but if the APD catches you, expect to have your license removed. You guys still make insane money, with basically zero roleplay, and now you get to do it with a better weapon.

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42 minutes ago, Mr Majestic said:

They originally argued for a 6.5mm carbine, we obviously stomped on that idea. The reason the vigilante reps gave for wanting the 6.5mm was, in part, so they could engage better at slightly longer ranges. The SPAR-16S allows them to do this, within reasonable distances while still not being quite as strong as a 6.5mm weapon.

I think I speak for everyone, excluding Vigilantes of course, when I say we don't want a bunch of rebel camping rats having easy access to 150-round drum mags. You can still buy them for warpoints, but if the APD catches you, expect to have your license removed. You guys still make insane money, with zero basically roleplay, and now you get to do it with a better weapon.

Price of new weapon?

i win


28 minutes ago, Fuck Cops said:

Price of new weapon?

I believe we suggested 150k, in line with the other LMGs. Thinking about it this might be a little high considering the inability to purchase the mags easily and use it as an LMG.



I don’t think you should give a buff to illegal items 



1 hour ago, LrAndrew said:

I don’t think you should give a buff to illegal items 

shut up



9 minutes ago, Demon9845 said:

shut up

That hurts oof



3 minutes ago, LrAndrew said:

That hurts oof





How does the cops online process speed increase work?

i win


20 hours ago, Hoggie said:

How does the cops online process speed increase work?

When 5 cops are online you gain 5% processing speed, for every additional cop past that you gain an extra 1%, up to 10%. For example 8 cops online means 8% extra processing speed.

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With the new increased robbery payout, is the bounty increased? 

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