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Altis Life Update - 2024-10-16 - October Content Patch

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  • 🎃 Pumpkin Marathon
    • Introduction
      • The "Pumpkin Marathon" is an Escape from Tarkov inspired "marathon" event with a Halloween theme for Olympus.
      • Players participating in the Marathon players must find and harvest a series of pumpkins placed around the map.
      • Outside of the riddles and map circles players will not have any information outside of what their friends may have accrued themselves.
      • Marathon runners will have to traverse through dangerous and hazardous areas and complete their objective without death or incarceration; otherwise they will fail and have to re-attempt the entire marathon from the beginning.
      • In the interest of making the quest a challenge, players are not able to utilize armored or are aerial vehicles.
    • How to play
      • The Pumpkin Marathon may be accessed from within your quest menu.
      • The event will only be available during:
        • The month of October.
        • The hours of 4:00pm - 1:00am EST.
        • While there is more than 60 players online.
    • Rewards
      • Players who are successful in completing the Pumpkin Marathon before the end of October will receive:
        • $5,000,000
        • A rare "Hallow King" title.
      • Players who choose to rerun the event to play with their friends will receive:
        • $800,000
  • Mayor of Sofia title for Sr. Civilian Council (Awes)
  • Added a setting to prevent spawning with a physical FAK+
  • 4 Roadside Checkpoints (Sofia, Pyrgos, Kavala, Air)
  • Textures
    • Civ
      • Black Strider
    • Gang
      • Neri Bay Bandits Gang Fatigues
      • Notoriety Gang Fatigues
      • Notoriety Gang CSATs
      • Notoriety Gang Ifrit


  • Evidence Locker
    • Initial timer reduced from 7:30M -> 4M
    • Checkpoint timers reduced from 5M -> 2:30M
  • Federal Reserve
  • Corn Field
  • Iron Mine
  • Athira Vigilante Outpost
  • Renown Points rescaled by a factor of 10
    • 1pt = 10pt
  • Reduce Capture Zones Area for Church and Alpha Cartels by 25%
  • Gang turfs now rotate rewards similar to Gangbase
  • Log-in rewards improved
    • Base
      • $37,500 with $4,166 variance -> $50,000 with $6969 variance
      • Removed Rook/PM9
      • War/Renown Points from 1/2 -> 2/3
      •  Go-Kart, Quadbike, Normal Hatchback, Sport Hatchback, SUV, Offroad → Sport Hatchback, SUV, Offroad
      • 1 Epipen, 10 Redgull, 1 Toolkit, 10 Pepsi, 10 Cupcake, 10 Beer → 1 Epipen, 10 Redgull, 1 Toolkit, 10 Beer
    • 7d
      • War/Renown Points 2/3/4/5 -> 4/5
  • Police Qilin (Smoke) price increased from $200k -> $650k
  • Cop Gear check re-enabled
    • Doesn't include Primary weapons or Launchers
  • Gear/Virt scrap to 2 minutes scaling on the value of items being scrapped w/ 2mins at 10,000 scrap and minimum 5 seconds
  • Kills inside a Terror will now indicate the condition
    • Ex: [A] John was killed by [B] Tom (Terror Kill)
  • Updated some old hints to new format
  • Timer added to map for house fires
  • On-route player's hex visible from anywhere
  • APD Hellcat Bench reduced to Corporal+ from SSgt+
    • Costs Corporals $500k compared to SSgt. $300k


  • Medics now have 'On Duty' instead of 'Non-Lethal'
  • Respawn death screen going blank after player death
  • Weapons being missing/overlapped within the weapon shop menu
  • Prevented the interaction and seizing of local vehicle objects by APD
  • Players spawning mid-air
  • Federal event gold rate not spawning the intended amount 


  • Gang Textures

If you find a bug please submit a report HERE.


Recommended Comments

4 hours ago, Nick Batch said:

@ Welshy  Wheres the stuff you told me 🥲

// side note of big ups the map designer for the new athira vigi, we can actually hold that one now which is nice!


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