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Everything posted by falcon

  1. i tried to google translate this and unfortunately i was left with zero success
  2. its 8 in the morning and there is 20 ppl in-game, word.

  3. rt on X
  4. prime rib was the best gang this server has ever seen

    1. Legendary
    2. Polly


      prime ifrit skin was pretty sick tho ngl

  5. why tf am i banned from the discord

  6. my diamonds shine with no flash

  7. falcon


    where was my @ kinda fucked up dude, we've been homies for how long now?
  8. 👻

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. falcon


      @ Rossco
      1) Always good because she took after her mom

      2) Sorta and its Hailey*

      3) I work in a warehouse as well programming side work for people

      4) Still at ground zero
      5) I quit awhile ago

    3. Rossco


      Thanks for checking in with us 🙂

    4. falcon
  9. falcon


    o7 homie, keep in touch on snapchat this is coming from mr jordaniel as well.
  10. @DABESTeva 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Parker R

      Parker R

      you gotta respect it

    3. 3 Rip

      3 Rip


      "Land me right now (landmerightnow)"

    4. Elements


      i had like a 2 mil bounty, that was so long ago wtf

  11. goodbye fusah
  12. @TheCmdrRex 😕

    also anyone who says sapd takes this game srs think twice 

    1. JuanDeaged


      Those hunter and hawk skins slapped they should bring those back

    2. Mason Harrison

      Mason Harrison

      Actually tho or make some new ones

    3. DashTonic
  13. kys @Outcast quit being butthurt retard

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Butthurt is his default state.  You shold hear him at Monopoly.

    3. Ryan


      16 minutes ago, Grandma Gary said:

      Butthurt is his default state.  You shold hear him at Monopoly.

      “Thats it I’m quitting and uninstalling”

    4. Outcast


      Monopoly is actually terribly developed. And you monkeys give all shit away before going bankrupt on someone you owe money lol.


  14. can somebody change my forum name ty

    1. Strae
    2. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      You can change your own name now by going to account settings

    3. Dab


      Change it again or I’ll give you a wedgie nerd

  15. can someone fix my name please looks disgusting like this k thanks

  16. "i always used to say smh but never knew what it was" - @Grandma Gary

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      "I always see that posted but I never knew what it was" @me 2k19

    2. falcon


      Just now, Grandma Gary said:

      "I always see that posted but I never knew what it was" @me 2k19

      ya ur moms a hoe

  17. heI low you all talk talk like 

    1. Corps


      Did we confirm he did not have a stroke whilst typing this?:P

  18. buying nudes 18+

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