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Everything posted by JuanDeaged

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      @N7Zero I agree with you. Had a 1 mill bounty last night and got lethaled at a fed. Totally didn't want to sit through 30 minutes of contraband.

    3. Drippp


      @ThatNerdyGuy jail timer needs to be reduced heavily, that shit is so aids there’s no need to spend 30 minutes in jail

    4. Angst


      wow man can i join plague?

  1. welllllllll . . . I didnt see it

  2. so your telling me this fucker took 52 mill off me then gets perm'd so the money just goes into nothingness

    im tight

    1. Cooper:P


      this is why i dont bet

    2. Bloodmoon


      What did he do

    3. Cooper:P


      believe he was jokin about selling money

  3. Ive never wanted to punch a hole through my monitor more than right now

    1. buckie


      Lemme teach u the technique 

  4. o7

    1. JuanDeaged


      Lost 500 mill to some aussy kid who has 200 hrs on the server, has only ever used 40 redgulls, and does nothing but log on to bet.

  5. no need to argue, you use internet explorer, retard.
  6. remove rain for fucksake

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JuanDeaged


      If u wanna do “covert ops” go play a milsim server

    3. silton


      Ruins my immersion

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JuanDeaged


      ? you still needed 3 ppl to restrain a cop it just didnt matter if there were other cops in the area like it does now

    3. Hunter


      That cop in that clip was a bot lmfao

    4. Kamikaze


      that was what got the cop within 50m can't be restrained added

  7. how long does money stay in my deposit box for?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JuanDeaged


      nah i won conflict so i have like 800k in there and i wanna just stack it up and take it out at once but idk if the money will stack or not or if it'll delete after a certain amount of time

    3. Outcast
    4. Zahzi


      It'll stay until redeemed

  8. NAV never disappoints 


    1. Vcx


      me over here haven't gotten one in 14 days

  9. o7 buckie good luck with life homie
  10. thank fucking god ur leaving degenerate
  11. sooo we can bench snipe ppl now right
  12. good luck civ council

    1. Millennium


      atleast we can have deccent debates on roundtables. (hopefully)

  13. make it so i can insure my helis inside my garage

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