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Fake Grandma

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Everything posted by Fake Grandma

  1. o7 @McDili thanks for trusting me with staff and furthermore making me admin. <3 gl with the full-time bdo grind
  2. Live with bo1 zombies.







  3. Streaming Bo1 Zombies.




  4. Chillin with the boys @Fushigi & censored


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Xeltini


      Just now, Deadpool said:

      MFW when you dont censor the side chat @Xeltini

      I'm sleeping idk what ur on about

    3. Fake Grandma
    4. DeadPool
  5. The reason I am saying that this isnt crossfire is because the cop is on the left side behind a wall, the door is open and he sees that there is no cop behind his friend, he shoots, kills 2 people then walks into the pillhut and sees the cop. nowhere when he kills the first 2 people is he aiming for said cop. Ergo, not crossfire, ban him, dick him, etc etc.
  6. no
  7. @Skip From someone that is in the same gang as you, you are special, not crossfire for shit and the ban still counts as a 3d, so it got reduced, not removed.
  8. This english hurts my head.
  9. bf48ca62df2797b1e5efe843c100e79f.png

    What is this? APD fed strats?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Prime



      It was a lit vacation 

    3. monster


      Fuck the APD Medics gotta Hunter push gate 1 and slam in there quilins

    4. GluxDesigns


      Looking like bosses!

  10. Penis. You got penis.
  11. Zubr .45 removed from rebel shop and added to APD weapon shop as a taser for all ranks Trial by combat. leggo
  12. 100m a piece
  13. Your name is now @Ryan #6. Congrats I guess.... 

    1. Ryan


      Ill take it! Thx

  14. o7 CyGay @snipeZ
  15. Happy Birthday @RambleR You'll have to come down to San Fransisco and we'll smoke a happy birthday blunt. 

  16. Happy Birthday @Decimus. Still the most inactive player on Olympus. 

  17. o7 @Decimus Maybe you can go farm in peace now. 

  18. Comp tickets generally take longer than Player reports, more often than not when it comes to larger amounts we are have to check logs and dig a little bit, therefore it takes longer. Your ticket will be done, you just gotta be patient. Mind you only Admins+ can do compensation requests.
  19. That is correct
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