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Everything posted by Savage

  1. what happened to that tranny that was wildin on this forum page

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Boovin


      u prouds gay ass brother?

    3. ben-


      THE SUCKAS @ Ryanx  OMFG

    4. -B-


      Sov has ascended and no longer graces us with their presence.

  2. jesus fucking christ i can now see y u sit on an arma 3 forum all day
  3. 20 fucking frames

    fix the fps

    fix the fps

    fix the fps

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. swrvy


      imagine playing arma 3

    3. iPopsicle


      @Tech it is very easy to predict Arma performance: Shitty

    4. Savage


      all im saying is gta can run a server with 180 people and get 0 people complaining about fps.

      implement a despawn script, host it on s3, figure something out before everyone loses hope cause it seems to me people already are

  4. is this a duper gang or sum?


    mad fucking confused, look at their gang bank

    1. Elements
    2. Courean


      lol wouldnt surprise me

    3. Civak


      no just someone holding money in a gang on their alt

  5. wants the smoke, sends disc, mutes everyone and caps ab his job


    1. Vcx


       12 year old comes on an online forums saying someone wants the smoke cringe 

    2. Drippp


      Yea he got that internet smoke brother!!! You showed him ya fag

  6. lemme get that visa thoooooooooooooo
  7. 96992153ba9d7b4159b1f890cd8c982d.png

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Savage


      @Jimmy Jarvis i have photo evidence of connor beating u


    3. Jimmy Jarvis

      Jimmy Jarvis


      Thanks for the fade man your my go to barber

    4. Drippp


      You still sucked a dudes dick tho

  8. didnt know we had cry babies in the community

  9. fucking pedos on arma tf goin on


    1. monster


      Chapo Guzman headass

  10. Looking back at my old comments from like 2 years ago... damn i was a fucking retard 🤣

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      @Peter Long You still got that bunk bed bandit photo?

    3. Savage


      @Ryan thats y ur contact name on my phone is Bitch

    4. thor


      deffo tryna flex he has ryans number

  11. anyone tryna play cs?

  12. Anyone down for some cs? faceit or mm idc

  13. damn #Team Ryan FTW @Viper im the reason ur sisters ass is getting bigger
  14. When her ass is a ten but so is she...

  15. Im a bit late but o7 u were one of my first staff friends on this server and i will never forget the fun times we had (and the bad ones lmao) love you nignis ill see u around probably
  16. @Viper Happy Bday to one of the ppl that made OG Trident fun asf, dont party to hard ;) 

    1. bdj
    2. Viper


      Those were the good times, blame kev on that one :Kappa: but thanks man will do!

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