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Panda :)

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Everything posted by Panda :)

  1. Cool you seen logs of a friend transferring money to another friend. So you are saying that if @rabeed gives me 10 mil because he’s a homie (which did happen btw and he didn’t ask for any money in return, nor did I offer.) he’s automatically selling money and he should be banned? Of course not so like he said no solid tangible evidence that would make him believe beyond a reasonable doubt that someone sold money.
  2. e looking to sell my escape from tarkov account  it is the edge of darkness edition which is worth $150 obviously that isn't my asking price but if you are interested in buying pm me and we can work something out serious inquiries only please and please take note that this will only be done with irl currency no in game money.

    1. Strae



    2. Toasty


      yo deadass tho how much money u want. i want that gamma case.

  3. Yeah don’t mean to be that guy but what’s the eta on the wp and money?

  4. About to be another school shooting on the news a school really close to where I live is getting shot up somebody need to do something about these shootings man.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Unjo
    3. Creepy


      As a Lieutenant in the APD isn't it your job to do something about this?

  5. I’m replying to this topic because it currently has 13 replies and 13 is a unlucky number you are welcome.
  6. I’m replying to this topic because it had 13 replies and 13 is a unlucky number.
  7. He's throwin shade @Ryan



    1. Gravity


      yo that crackhead still streams hahahaha

  8. 07 homie
  9. For anyone that read the status update earlier I would like to apologize I was out of line and I realize that. meme me all you want but on that note I still stand by my opinion and a lot of other seniors believe that the quality in corporals has dropped so for any Corporal that wants to advance in the APD or just wants feedback on how you can improve feel free to PM me and I will confer with fellow seniors and get back to you.

  10. If anyone knows why my docs is doing this while i am trying to do homework please tell me it would be greatly appreciated https://gyazo.com/656c71908c2b61837a3caec963d757d3

    and if you can't tell what it is doing I am typing a line and it takes like 10 seconds for the words to pop up.

  11. Can we close s3 plox

    1. Claysive


      Would suck for the people that already own shit over there, but would be good for the pop on the other two. 

  12. Damn bro I feel like the last kid to get picked for PE except I didn’t get picked last I didn’t get picked at all. Lmao 07 dog sorry this happened gl with the appeals.
  13. 07 @DeadPool regardless of how much shit I talked back and forth with you no one can deny how much you did for the server.
  14. OMGOMGOMGOMG congrats @Mako

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