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Everything posted by GluxDesigns

  1. Bump. Apps are still open and interviews are starting.
  2. 20190427100443_1.jpg

    Bank of Altis WIP Screenshots. more info here:


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Toasty


      What are your rates for lines of credit?

    3. NexIV


      @GluxdatorIs every single floor/door accessible in the back building, I know the white office building is probably not, just curious on the back one.

    4. GluxDesigns


      No sadly it's not. There is only one room in the building and it's being used as the vault. @Nex is on route

  3. I don't mind teaching people the basics. I dont cover up textures with a design, I literally create the texture from the game files in a unique way; It's the way the Bohemia artist made the base game textures. When im on TS and im not busy, message me and well go on Discord.
  4. So your the second example I posted on what NO to submit lol. Get good with the spay paint tool in Paint and you got a job!
  5. Greetings fellow Olympians! Nearly halfway through the year it is about time again to look for new talent. Olympus Design Team is looking for a talented texture artists looking to make a positive impact in our community. It doesn't matter who are you are or where you come from, we are on the lookout for creative, committed and interesting people who aren’t afraid to fail. We want people who love to take chances, roll with the punches, and accept challenges. Positions Available: NONE.
  6. Hope you guys like the update. Honestly it's only gonna keep growing and getting better.
  7. Guys, I have to give props to @xDRO. His design work was on point. He will not be forgotten. Thanks for all the hard work bro. Well miss ya. -passes blunt-
  8. I seen his work and I can say its pretty good guys. You can tell he loves what he does; and is not afraid to achieve more. Minus well throw in a plug. o/
  9. Why cant I buy drugs at the drug dealer/s? I should be able to go to him and get my weed. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Vcx


      I swear this was a feature a while back or am I on crack and that was another server 

    3. Caleb Snackbar

      Caleb Snackbar

      Buys meth when market is crashed waits for it to go up sells at max ez money added into the economy from no where

    4. Dab



  10. Yeah I can show you. You need Discord, Photoshop, and Gimp. Week days after 6pm PST on Teamspeak, if traffic is not bad.
  11. Whats up @ᴄ ᴏ ɴ ɴ ᴏ ʀ *, what you need? You need some green bro?

    1. Connor .J.

      Connor .J.

      I need this fucking region lock shit gone. 

    2. GluxDesigns


      Well when im constipated in the region of my ass; I smoke a shit ton of weed (pun intended). But really bro, I dont know what your talking about and or I cant help you. Im just the Artist. 

  12. I think it looks nice. I was wondering what happened before with this.
  13. Congratz @Secret Agent on promotion to Designer. Keep up the good work.

    1. Secret Agent

      Secret Agent

      ty bud I shall serve you well

  14. Looks cool. Good work. Can you explain your process? What software do you use?
  15. 20190331133631_1.jpg

    Im not paying my Mortgage anymore, until Bank of Altis fixes its shit!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. gaz
    3. Outcast
    4. GluxDesigns


      hahahaha, see thats why I have you guys to proof read :D

      Updated the screenshot. haha

  16. I do plan on retiring / redoing (to save room) some of the older textures, hatchbacks, quad bikes, and some other vehicles. Im currently re-structuring all the textures, so we can save tons of room and implement a rotation for textures. From a design perspective yeah it could easily be done; but there would have to be a limit to how many textures we would allocate to that. Also we would need a designer to man that station. Why not add on there, Gang Advertisement Billboard (1 or 2), Gang Issue Ground Vehicle. Just an idea I had while high.
  17. 20190323082441_1.jpg

    Almost forgot to show you the front of the N7 Ifrit. 

    1. Skys


      Looks fucking sick

  18. I like that one alot. Who ever made it is god lol.
  19. 20190322235207_1.jpg

    Been awhile since I posted a concept. Yay or Nay? We are always looking for ideas. @Shades for this idea and assistance; most credit goes to him.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. N7Zero


      i need me this skin!

    3. Rexo


      Looks clean af

    4. Borax


      no i aint wanna see that shit with @N7Zero name on it 

  20. I made everything in this; even remade the logo with my own spin.
  21. Oh snap. Well Peter it was fun, we shall smoke up and play some time. Also if you ever have suggestions let me know.
  22. Lets make a update story together. Ill start:

    Once upon a time there was a young self conscious...

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Slumberjack


      until they came around

    3. Richard


      And supported him, but it was too late..

    4. Lincoln Williams

      Lincoln Williams

      He had already got a sex change and

  23. He's out for a vacation with the fam and for an upgrade. Hell be back.
  24. Sorry bro there is a High Quality texture on it already lol. Hope you like.
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