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Everything posted by GluxDesigns

  1. 20171110142457_1.jpg

    Someone said make a pedo van, and this is my concept of one. XD Simple but funny. (Concept Only)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Caleb Snackbar

      Caleb Snackbar

      Please add this I would actually start using vans 

    3. Instantmac


      I would totally buy this.

    4. Fusionz


      Instead of Candy make it “Free War Points”

  2. American Design of what? Vehicle, Clothing, or something else?
  3. 20180124090603_1.jpg

    Update: Im still here just been making textures all week. Getting things ready. Templates and such. 

    Picture Above: Police Uniform Showcase. 

    I've been making alot of different uniforms for police. They are all merely concepts, expanding my skills. I've been making popular police uniforms from all across the US: NYPD, LAPD, Miami Vice, NOPD, and Chicago PD. I'm moving on to other countries soon.

    Also has anyone seen the show Colony? You can find it on Netflix. Here is a clip of the Red Hats from the show, that I made a perfect texture for in Arma: 

    Here it is in Arma 3:



    Ill be posting more stuff every few days or so. If you want better quality pictures I can send links, this forum really degrades pictures.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. KrispyK


      i dont like the stars on the uniform, makes it look kinda flat but when i ignore them it looks better

      i want to know how that one dude got designer but not him

    3. Pledge


      Can you do the back right on the normal officer clothes with no tie?

    4. GluxDesigns




      Can you do the back right on the normal officer clothes with no tie?

      Yes I already have variants with ties on and ties off. 



      ... i want to know how that one dude got designer but not him

      I wanted to wait till I got the designer tags on Tuesday to say this, but I did get the designer position. Just isnt push through yet, Jesse is working lol So yes I did it!

  4. random_background_1.jpg

    Something I made for @Mercury lol. Random but funny remake of his sig.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. iPopsicle


      Why is bitches spelt wrong?

    3. GluxDesigns


      On his signature it was spelt wrong so I kept it. But now re-reading his post about it too, I think he just missed spelt it lolol.

    4. Caleb Snackbar

      Caleb Snackbar

      No one sees the dick in the clouds?

  5. 20180626180350_1.jpg

    My take on the RR SUV. Concept only. But just incase I made it lol.


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. GluxDesigns


      I think there are 419 other cars before this one.

    3. KrispyK


      It's medical marijuana don't worry

    4. Mike Pence

      Mike Pence

      This is blessed

  6. lol one day
  7. I never made a post to introduce myself. Im GluxDesigns. I'm a twin, my bro is Shades I've been playing Olympus for about a year on a off. Im a very good artist and ive recently been designing textures for Arma 2 and 3. I usually play as medic. Check out my profile to look at my current projects. Im usually on TS if you want to chat.
  8. 20180625074857_1.jpg

    Im calling this Fractured. 





  9. Finished my application for designer. Wish me luck! Polished everything. Looks good.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shades


      You got this bro. Hopefully you get an interview and get the position. 

    3. Trimorphious


      +1 you deserve it 

    4. GluxDesigns


      Thanks guys. Thanks bro. 

  10. 20180623232923_1.jpg

    This is going to look very simular to the original. But its a remake with way more detail. Just seeing if I can recreate some APD uniforms. I will make my own take on this uniform for fun.


    Original Links for more detail:


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hoonter
    3. GluxDesigns


      I know what you mean. I do like the quality of the finished texture. But overall I cant wait to make my own take lol. Gonna be sweet!

    4. Hoonter


      Then do something original instead of resizing the PO symbol and lightening the blue

  11. Maybe I'll give my take on a APD uniform this go.

    1. Vcx


      Lets see it, how it goes

  12. 20180623002857_1.jpg

    Seeing if I could remake the Medvac uniform. Looks good to me. Not too orange lol. 



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bocaj


      2 hours ago, Corporal Moob said:

      Not sure if ARMA or Half Life.

      Half Arma 3 confirmed 

    3. Shiv1
    4. GluxDesigns
  13. 20180622120446_1

    Finished the backpack design. Its a simple design, with some cool pins. The clothing below that was a umbrella outfit I made awhile ago. 20180622120508_1.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Toasty
    3. Shiv1


      make some skins for MEDIC S&R , they are looking for a new one because people want the color orange instead of red that we have

    4. GluxDesigns


      If I get designer I will try to update everything. If allowed. 

  14. 20180622070031_1.jpg

    Hope its not to dark to see. Dark Camo type of Ifrit. Blood splatter on front. Used the same skull in previous design, love it. New Tires.


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. obeymatt


      Ya way better imo 

    3. NokiaStrong


      Or u could make em bright white like a tux 

    4. DashTonic


      Ill love you if made a MLP skin 

  15. Working on the Ifrit texture. I would post tonight but I havnt fully polished it. Gonna be a black camo type texture. 

  16. 20180621125903_1.jpg


    Used a black background instead of tan. Thanks DeadPoll.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      I like this guys creations. Let’s see what kind of ifrit skins he can put together.

    3. GluxDesigns


      When I get off work Ill be working on it. Still trying to get ideas on how to design it. It will be civ focused first.

    4. MAV


      nice work man... i like some of these good skins to spice things up a bit

  17. 20180621114901_1.jpg

    I'm in need of some feedback. I'm trying something different. I used the military sand / desert color. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. GluxDesigns


      I think Ill be using this one for the designer application. Next will be a Ifrit and a backpack. Still have some time so I want to make sure its perfect and get other players opinions. 

    3. Vcx
  18. 20180620085310_1.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. GluxDesigns


      It's a full remake. For the textures I post here, they will be like remake revamps. It shows that not only can I recreate full layered textures from original design but I can also create even better originals. I can post textures and skins that are my original content if that's what people want to see. So that's why what my recent post looks similar in design to the servers content. But if you where to look at the actual textures you would see that they totally different.

    3. NokiaStrong


      Make a P.O. uniform 

    4. GluxDesigns


      Already did. I'll polish and post them. 

  19. 20180619235147_1.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Dangus


      Not positive, but I thought each Sr rank had their own uniform with their respective rank on the side patch. Obv that's pretty easy to replace tho.

    3. GluxDesigns


      Yeah the patches are easy to add in. 

    4. Shades


      Absolutely amazing. 

  20. 20180616234159_1.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. DeadPool


      Make a new Ghost hawk skin for SAPD and make 2 hawk skins for civs. Make more Ifrit skins

    3. nicole


      25 minutes ago, Caleb Snackbar said:

      What about the part below Interceptor where it’s missing a part of the car

      That's the normal hatchback, not the skin.

    4. GluxDesigns


      I have a few hawk designs and one for sapd already. I'll polish them up and post them. 

  21. 20171212164330_1.jpg20171212163533_1.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hiii
    3. GluxDesigns


      I see. Similar, since its a popular design. I create all my stuff, but hey man thanks. Always looking for requests too.

    4. Ryan Beck

      Ryan Beck

      nice copy pasta :D


  22. 20180616123323_1.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dangus


      Hey, that's awesome for you, just saying, it's rather basic lookin. it's also a quadbike, but hey, good for you if this is what you like doing

    3. GluxDesigns


      Yeah its rather basic for sure, but needs to be done lol. I mean look at our current quads haha. But yeah Ill put more designs soon. 20180616125050_1.jpg


    4. Africa


      Yes thank you old quads shit

  23. Making some awesome textures. Hopefully some of these creations will be shared with all! Gonna be awesome. Here is a logo based off of GTA. But with an Altis twist haha.



    1. Africa


      better than the straight FULL bright pink quad bikes and cars

    2. GluxDesigns


      You know what, I'm gonna work on ATVs! I havnt touches them yet. I'll post some designs on here. Cause yeah those are bad. Thanks for the idea lol.

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