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Everything posted by Fusah

  1. Added: Rebel Loadout Saving Accessible by going to the rebel weapon shop Will save everything you have on you but Y-inventory (Currently only able to save one loadout) Are not able to save a loadout if you have anything that isn't a rebel item on you. (Including war-point items) Tweaks will be made to this system and if it is liked we can expand it to vigilantes and/or whitelisted factions! Donor APD Hatchback (Elite) Donor APD SUV (VIP) Donor RnR SUV (VIP) Donor RnR Orca (Elite) Garage for Prison (Not accessible during prison breaks) Auto Run Will automatically drink redgull/coffee/lollipops when fatigued Set it and toggle it using custom action 18 Mandated tutorials and additions to messages explaining stuff when you have less than 2 hours on the server Thermal NVGs for Medic rank Coordinator+ P90 added to Blackwater loot pool .45 Pistol added for Deputies Field Hospital in Neochori New loading background Additional anti-cheat checks All civilian offroad skins are now available for the armed offroad (50 Cal.) Boat shop near the airfield Bloodbags purchasable at vigilante outposts Changed: Meth Processor Minor Moonshine Processor changes Complete RnR Vehicle Overhaul Jr. APD ground vehicles optimized Changed around the Orcas given for Elite & Champion Both large federal reserve dome doors unlock when the bomb blows Updated the loading screen APD vehicle light brightness lowered Medic vehicle light color changed and brightness lowered Escort event vehicles can now be lock-picked or slim jim'd APD can now bet Staff have no assault cool-down Slightly increased Cop & Medic horn volume Time to use Bolt-cutters shortened to 15 seconds Reduced price of Enhanced GPS tracker to 45,000 Lowered cocaine processing time Fixed: Weapons spawning in event vehicles Pharmaceutical timer not disappearing when truck is seized Pharmaceutical timer covering federal event timers Plane mission dialog cutting off when interacted with by RnR and APD Game no longer crashes if restrained when map is open Red Donor backpack lowered to MVP tier Bait appliances now seize-able Offroad (AT) can now use vehicle ammo to refill its rockets Ability to use bet button with betting disabled Sofia chop shop now has correct marker Monster Ifrit now has the correct donor insignias Several house inventory bugs Removed: Compensation crates 5 minute delay for starting escorts/terror on server restart Sting 9mm from the APD shop Easter Egg Hunt Hotfix #1 Vigilante Tier 4 added Spar-16 moved to tier 4 Tier 3 payout reduced to 75% Vigilante vest moved up to a tier 3 unlock New players have betting disabled by default CSAT can't be saved with loadouts Pistol red dot and flashlight re-added for deputies Gathering should stop more consistently now Medics and cops can now change skins in service station if they have donor skins More Event Vehicles added/fixed to be correct vehicle Black helmets for Senior Medics added Delivery Package mission upgrade All DP mission prices increased dramatically All DP missions now deposit money into ATM instead of cash Medic DP missions fixed to go to all APD HQs and R&R hospitals All DP missions should not have issues with picking same location to deliver where started from Package destinations and delivery confirmations now appear in chat Loadout changes Increased delay for saving and loading to help server performance Fixed various bugs regarding items to save Added Highway Patrol HQ Removed Sofia HQ
  2. bye friend
  3. All 3 servers are updated (: 

  4. Added: Automated Terror System Hack into a radio tower specific to each major city to initiate terror Requires 3 members total with a firearm at the terminal Requires a hacking terminal Instructions for when terror will start and end are handled by the server, information is displayed through hints on your screen Players name who hacked the terminal is displayed to the server and ALL players with the same tags as this individual are engaged in the city terror is called on! Plane Delivery Missions Bring your plane to one of the six "Plane Delivery" markers on the map and load your plane with cargo by paying $75,000 Enter your plane as the pilot and bring the cargo to the target destination for a cash reward Donor variants of civilian hatchbacks added for Corporal+ to use as bait cars Confirmation when attempting to purchase NVG's while you currently have a pilot helmet variant Altis Rebellion Strider Altis Rebellion Hunter Black Rebel Uniform Monster Ifrit for Elite Donors Christmas Suit Custom Staff Titles Custom Donator Titles "Supporter" - $15: Olympus Shareholder "M.V.P" - $30: Most Valuable Piggybank "V.I.P." - $50: Very Important Pockets "Elite" - $100: Rich Bitch "Champion" - $250: Sugar Daddy "Legendary" - $500: Dishwasher donator Option to disable betting in game via the settings menu on the phone if you are on civilian or medic RPG launcher to Warpoint Shop for 75 warpoints Medical symbol above medic's player name Total number of cops spawned in when a cop is on the respawn screen for other cops (this is to hopefully help and prevent tac respawning!) Two new staff features A BIG ASS SIGN Lights to every APD HQ Parking to Kavala APD HQ An Easter egg hunt Changed: MXSW prices 170k to 200k MXSW mags 2k to 4k 5.56 suppressor 50 to 30 warpoints 5.58 suppressor 50 to 35 warpoints SAPD Uniform Textures minor changes SAPD Ghosthawk Texture minor changes SAPD Hunter Texture minor changes R&R Ghosthawk Rotated Donor Textures Supporter Uniform Medics no longer receive payment for reviving players in an active federal event Medics can no longer revive each other during an active federal event Skins can be applied when purchasing orcas at rebel Pyrgos Rebel to the 2016 variant Fixed: APD Colonel beret is now whitelisted for Corporals+ Cash held by an APD member will now drop in a briefcase on death Few housing inventory exploits Fixed multiple bugs with paying off bounties Fixed an issue where orcas couldn't be skinned at the service station Admins that attempt to get admin keys will now be able to unflip vehicles and will show up on registration An exploit related to giving items Medics will no longer lose their bounty on civ when getting lethaled Bag that appears when robbing y-inventory only appears if the victim had any to begin with Fixed an issue where extra jail time was being added after logging out in jail Killing people out of armed aerial/land vehicles gives the proper charges now Killing enemy gang members out of armed land/aerial vehicles gives proper war points now Removed: Pyrgos Cartel Big Tower from Kavala Rebel H-Barrier blocking jump spot at the Federal Reserve Permanent Walls at the Blackwater Spooky rebel uniform As always if a bug is found please submit it to the tracker. Nothing can be fixed if we aren't aware of it.
  5. happy birthday @ikiled u can finally join apd legitimately

    1. ikiled


      Kys you fat nerd :wub:

      Next time you say "lets try an altis life server", I am gonna bring us to Asylum

  6. hi
  7. basically
  8. trust me I made the shit and have lost around 5-6mil to it, not rigged but random
  9. Added: Donation Goal: 15% Discount on Weapon Shop Sales (Expires on 5/11/18) 15% Increase on legal/illegal run-based item sales (Expires on 5/11/18) Lottery System You are now able to buy lottery tickets from any gas station clerk for $50,000. The first person to purchase a lottery ticket will start the lottery event which will run for 30 minutes (short cooldown afterward). In the end, a winner is randomly picked and rewarded the prize pool. Will not be able to start the lottery event at the beginning of server restart and at the last 35 minutes of server restart. Several new player stats will be recorded More information to be released at a related date with an upcoming Stats Page update Get player names from a distance Must be scoped in with binoculars, rangefinders or titan scope Maximum distances for different unit types: Ground units: 150m Ground vehicles: 500m Air vehicles: 2km Aim the crosshair over the unit for a set period of time to get their name Pulling out unconscious (dead bodies) from vehicles will now be a windows key ability for all factions If ANY bugs arise from this please message me or submit it to the tracker immediately! Civilians will now have the ability to bet money on a "coin flip". Windows key'ing on a un-restrained player will now give you the option to "Bet Money". After both players confirm the bet, a "coin flip" decides who gets all the money! This option will not show up if you have the taxi license. You are only able to bet up to $1,000,000 After betting there is a 2-minute cooldown before you are able to bet against anyone else. Two new armed plane skins Changed: Weapon on an armed plane to a Gatling gun. (Similar to qilin armed) Sofia APD HQ Sofia Drug Dealer Intro text animations Frog Factory Location Heroin Field Location APD Training NPC will now show a ticket GUI Animation handling - Please report to us if you don't see people doing animations when they should be. Prisoner Uniform AHP Hummingbird Downsized several texture files to conserve space Pharmaceutical cooldown increased Server 3 should now be back on the proper schedule for opening Cop NPCs now have a more proper design for authenticity. Fixed: Federal Reserve related exploit Medic dope crate markers not showing up Gang building menu related bug GPS trackers and fuel cans can now be used on the Blackfish War point clothing camera bug Canceling the refueling process will no longer empty the fuel can APD hats not being seized Dead bodies being deleted inside a chopped vehicle. APD not being able to lock up dome after Fed/BW. GPS Jammers FINALLY have been fixed... Several restrained player checks have been added to some scripts Removed: Small unimportant things Hotfix #1: Lowered max betting amount to $1,000,000. You will now be able to buy up to 5 tickets in a lottery each worth 50k to increase your chances of winning! Fixed people running with their hands up. Increased betting cooldown to 3 minutes. Fixed betting related exploits. Pulling out dead bodies is temporarily disabled. As always if a bug is found please submit it to the tracker. Nothing can be fixed if we aren't aware of it.
  10. byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :/
  11. So much cool stuffs 



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nephew


      WOWOWOWOWOWOO so fun 

    3. DashTonic


      @McDili can I have one of thoses tanks :D with sugar on top

  12. You are able to bolt cut the entrance to the dome regardless of # of cops but you need at least 5 cops online to plant the bomb and get gold.
  13. Designated Survivor
  14. Fusah


  15. Congrats on admin! ^__________^ 

    1. Strikke


      Who is this guy called fusah?

  16. Fusah

    fanboy @Vertigo

    1. Apathy



      The lil windex army will continue to grow 

    2. Kurt


      Yeah not a chance

    3. Apathy


      nah ur a fan of lil windex 

  17. how2lose money for me :/
  18. Added: Gang Garage Accessed only at your gang shed Any rank can store vehicles and/or add them to the gang garage Add vehicles to the gang garage through gang shed menu Functions similar to claiming an illegal vehicle Gang vehicles can be stored at any location where personal vehicles can be stored Rank 2+ can pull vehicles from the gang garage ALL gang members online at the time will get keys to the vehicle Any gang member who doesn't have keys can get them by Windows Key + "Get Keys" on the vehicle Max of 20 vehicles per gang Cartel Garages You can now look at any of the cartel flags and spawn vehicles from your personal garage Each cap has two spawn points New Market System 3 Types - Food, Legal, and Illegal Selling 1 item of one of the above types will cause all others in that type group to go up in price Prices will not raise/lower over time (by server), the market is solely based on what players sell. No random generation of fake numbers, etc. Ability to pay off bounties Bounty must be under $125,000 You can pay it off at one of the 4 major cities (courthouse) Hotkey to pull spike strips Bound to Custom Action key 15 (same as medic road kit) Cops only, civilians still need to use them from the y-menu Sending bones to jail will now give money to cops and vigilantes Player who tased and/or restrained the individual MUST be either a cop or vigilante Anyone can send the bones to jail, the individual who tased and/or restrained will get the compensation. Earplugs now have two levels of effectiveness New Earplugs hotkey - Shift + O Custom Action 12 still works as before Confirmation menus added When buying a weapon if you already have one When selling a vehicle When starting/ending martial law Ability to turn off emergency lights on vehicles Use windows key option on the vehicle APD Quadbikes for Patrol Officer+ Carrier GL Rig's at Rebel Clothing Shops for $55,000 Medic Hellcat for Coord+ Vehicle Lights added APD Qilin APD Armed Plane Changed: Admins will now have their names appear red in the admin menu All CSATs and level 5 vests will now be seized by APD's seize button Link to reach Support Team in Y-menu Jail bomb timer decreased from 20 to 15 minutes Bomb timer(s) will now show for cops that join during an active fed/jail/bw/escort event APD Deputy Tactical Vest re-added APD will now be able to check vehicle speed with all weapons. EOD Vest's price lowered to $45,000 RPG-7 will now be able to destroy most armored vehicles with 1 hit Compressed several textures to lower mission file size Medic map markers will now use the civilian spawn markers instead of hospitals to generate population number on spawn screen Increased chance of getting a titan from Blackwaters War Market Weapon NPC will now be it's own NPC. The clothing shop is still shared on the same NPC. Warzone rebel vehicle NPC has been placed inside a building Blocked Jump Spots(2) at the Federal Reserve Removed jail rocks and placed 2 deer stands in place Neochori APD HQ and Athira APD HQ design adjustments New Checkpoint designs All number edit menus will now have a default of 0 instead of 1 - forcing you to enter a qty. Reminder: You can double click on an item to select its entire amount! Server 3 lock/unlock script Server will now be open 24 hours on Saturday and Sunday. Optimized some stuff... Fixed: Bergen backpacks will now properly hold 120 slots after logging off/restart/disconnect etc. Cartel capture bar will now properly show contested status when capped at 100% Cop lethal payouts should now be more reliable Cops restrained next to each other will no longer be restrained indefinitely Gas station robberies will now stop if robber is restrained Killing OR tasing a unit who is in the process of chopping a vehicle will now stop the chopping process Medic Hummingbird and M-900 lights Un-restrain action will now properly cancel if the target is escorted, the unit dies, etc. Medic name not showing up properly on buddy request. Added distance checks to bolt cutters Escort vehicles can no longer be loaded into a Blackfish Cop & Medic lights on the Hellcat should show better. Cop Enter as Passenger will now work on the Qilin 3 to 1 script has been adjusted to properly recognize firearms on nearby players Issues with saving medic gear to the database When dead the timers will now use the server time to patch potential exploit attempts to save gear beyond 15 minutes Dropping keys will now remove the proper person from the vehicle owners list Also resolves a cop slim jim bug Removed: Obsolete licenses from Tanoa will be removed from you upon first connection Shift + 7 handcuff sound Compact NVGs from Blackwater loot Hunting Zone APD Jeeps 3Rips Warzone Cartel and DP9 cartel DP22 Checkpoint
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