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Texture Designer
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Everything posted by maxg

  1. Yo I need some opinions on my background for my profile Thanks :3Nips:

  2. Happy New Year! 

    1. Jester


      Imagine being on east coast smh

    2. Trevor Lawrence MVP season
  3. It would be nice to get some cool non donator Ifrit Skins that aren't solid Colors @Peter Long

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tacosmell


      Off-White Frit????

    3. J O E
    4. GluxDesigns


      I'm sure you'll see alot more content in the later updates!

  4. Congratz to the YUNG BOI @Rossco

    1. Rossco


      Ayeeeeee thanks booby

  5. happy Birthday @Jordan540 Yung Boy @falcon better write a gay rap about you :Kappa:

  6. Merry Christmas you toxic nerds

  7. Ayyyy Congratz @MAV plz no ban me 4 ramming things with my helis <3

    1. MAV


      At least you always comp.. Lol

  8. Welcome back @Tiger @Connor McGregor
  9. Congratz Mr. Junior Staff @Hylos 

    1. Hylos


      thanks buddy appreciate it

  10. I Hate going to Moonshine brew and then getting 100% packets after 1 wave :Kappa:

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. -dante-


      1 hour ago, Benjison said:

      and i hate when cops camp moonshine brew.

      If they’re CAMPING it report it so I can give them the dickings. Ez. Unless you’re talking out of your ass. Which I presume is the facts. 

    3. SPBojo
  11. Happy Birthday! 

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