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Texture Designer
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Status Replies posted by maxg

  1. Gone but never easily forgotten

  2. Gone but never easily forgotten

  3. that was a yikes, shouldve fucked off

  4. It’s about time @max^ congrats

  5. Tree wins again :) gz @max^ ^^

  6. Congrats at another corp promo today @max^!

  7. 982fee86f88bf2d87e12cca312599829.png

    Gas station robbery = bank robbery POGCHAMP

  8.  H1z1 was so good at one point 

    classic h1 

  9. After 3 years of putting it off I finally ordered the parts for my new PC yesterday

  10. Dante do you still open pms since all the toxicity you’ve been getting from BL

  11. Id like to give my boy @Donald. a shoutout. @Prime hes looking to get Search and Rescue with me. 

  12. For everyone I abused while slammed tonight. Thanks for dealing with me lmao happy thanksgiving everyone!!

  13. Congratz @ThatNerdyGuy Was always fun Grinding with you from when you got PO to when you got CORP <3

    Congratz @Airborne I wouldn't mind a Sgt Beret :Kappa:

  14. Don't start wars you can't win.

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