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Everything posted by YakGod

  1. PSA: @Support Team /  Community. As of 01/10/2021 Support case being handles must only have members involved inside the channel at the time not their friends/gang/ whole APD Channel . Anyone caught stacking cases with people not involved will face Action.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. buckie


      @Kamikaze I got my retard helmet just for that occasion. Try me wetad 

    3. kami
  2. Maybe they should start the purge and see who wins at capital hill 

    1. Rafa


      “Trial by combat?! Trial by combat?!” Is being heard by protesters escorted out by police 

  3. EFT resets tomorrow any eu players hmu for squads 

    1. Courean


      That moment when its Christmas for swedes the 24th so I wont be able to play the day it wipes.

  4. If u like the community and want to give back to it feel free to apply if u meet the minimum entry levels

  5. who played with the tags 

  6. Count me in to lose
  7. hello upgrades to helis dont affect the max weight that they can lift all the stuff it can lift is listed here on this guide which also shows all the helis in game and their lifting capacity : https://armedassault.fandom.com/wiki/Slingloading the upgrades only make the heli handle faster / affect max speed physically other then that the other 2 upgrades only track it alarm it and upgrade space
  8. make a ban appeal if it was truly a vpn staff will be able to see logs to make a ban appeal go to support - new request - ban appeal fill out all the boxes with the required information + sufficient ev to help your case
  9. Why remove the Proment from PO when u can buy it at reb outposts not to mention the fact tht rebs have all the new weapons 

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Millennium


      @Toasty it takes a decent amount of mags depending on the angle that you get because usually they start turning the opposite direction. You are correct it can take 2 mags, but other times it will take more than that.

      @Skys fuck you cutie <3

    3. Skys


      @Millennium When and where im down

    4. MAV


      Not supposed to be super easy to take it hemmt or tempest

  10. love how the updates always break my apd / r and r/ civ garage mixing all the skins up

    1. Richard


      Textures are the least of your problem tbh.  You’re complaining about first world problems.

  11. https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/id/yakgod/#sort=order
  12. alright thanks could be as they went down the stats page fixed so probs ill wait and see
  13. server 1 and 2 are down
  14. since the servers are fucked yet again with another rollback does the cop time and medic etc count for this week too or another by week 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. maxg


      Just now, hawk said:

      Wait, you aren't? :( 

      nah @Pledge coop'd me :(

    3. NokiaStrong
  15. why unban kids who have been permed multi times for scripts 

    1. indian



      they’re all banned permanently

      it’s called Ban Evading

    2. Edweirdo


      There's no such thing as a permanent ban on Olympus.

  16. sign major pain up
  17. you can remove the rain easy but if you wanted to reduce the night time then the day cycle would be shorter meaning that you would end up with more night then you already do over the course of a reset
  18. speak to bots slayer last i checked he had a load going
  19. just after i go and buy a taru repair
  20. if you ever get unbanned for advertising im sure ill be arresting you here to
  21. I KNOW him from there hes the biggest troll there is over there and blowing shit up
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