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Everything posted by NokiaStrong

  1. congrats @tacosmell and @Jester we got support on the same day now u are overlord

  2. How are we playing? Through steam?
  3. Maybe. He shouldn’t have said council. Never counted
  4. lets be real here if he meant staff he wouldnt have said council
  5. congrats @IM LAGGING it came soon than you though

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NokiaStrong


      I know ghawk and Huron was lost yesterday and I’ve been told another Huron was titaned

    3. Bloodmoon


      Hurons omegalul

    4. Kamikaze


      only 10m what will we ever do

  6. @ikiled @Fusah

    what finals are you taking

    1. hawk


      Finals that last a few months :bruh:

  7. Anyone else not able to connect to Olympus ts only?

  8. price check on armed hurons?

    1. Best Player Okay

      Best Player Okay

      _veh = "B_Heli_Transport_03_F" createVehicle(position player);

      O fuck wait u cant use that nvm sorry im no use sir

    2. Mason Harrison
    3. MAV


      15 maybe pre-8+ BW complete per day... i'd say 10 mil now.

  9. How is it useless during big fights both kav rebel and wz are constantly being used or camped. So now you have more options
  10. Imagine being here for over 4 years and only having 40 rep
  11. Video on the forums from two years ago vs required up to date video during training
  12. Idk it’s already in the training guide or what ever but maybe have a section dedicated to milking and explain it in some depth(would only take a few minutes) And fed call outs ie gate 1 northwest tower crate jump. Or bw callouts.
  13. Someone put me on their cs go olympus roster

  14. Most deputy’s and po’s have no idea what they are doing vs civ’s who are, on their own, outstanding players. Civs are used to the aids most of the time and the screaming panda buckie and Naldo do makes it funny
  15. So civ is a whitelist faction now
  16. Msg me if anyone needs someone else
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