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Status Updates posted by GregoV1

  1. @Hadi Mokdad When you started to grow up :(





    1. Ryan


      This mans so lazy he had to copy paste the other one instead of typing it l0l

  2. ETA on a "Impersonating an LEO" charge for the people who run around in full cop uniforms

  3. Who do you like then buddy?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. GregoV1


      Yeah, sure.. He died though. So Gendry would technically have claim...

    3. ZachTheAndal


      Obviously before that monkey

    4. GregoV1


      I'm talking at the end of GOT... Stannis died, so Gendry by birthright should be king, but now they have that new order in so instead of being birthed into line as king, you are chosen by people in high power.

  4. Is it just me or are they only putting british corps in foxtrot to make a statement? Well for one thing I know @1thedoc got it so congrats nerd :) stop putting peoples name on your body now!

    1. 1thedoc


      but that was my plan to get sergeant

  5. @Kamikaze the sAPD just got more toxic :Kappa: 

    Congrats my man :D

  6. ETA on server 3 being turned into malden with cartels and medics this time?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. -dante-


      Picking grapes was really the true highlight 

    3. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      @Dante You mean picking grapes, then getting rdm'd? yea that was the peaking point in my life

    4. -dante-


      Yeah imagine losing all your fucking GRAPE MONEY 

  7. Toxic supervisor smh my head

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Danger
    3. Kyle Lake

      Kyle Lake

      Atleast he is still a supervisor. Better to be toxic than stupid.

  8. Hbd left 4 dead teacher

    1. Isaac Newton

      Isaac Newton

      Haha thanks. Elevators too stronk

  9. @Billybobjoe grats











  10. @Dog hbd friend

    1. Dog


      thanks guy haven't been on this forums in a bit

  11. @Panda :) o7 man! was sad to see you go

  12. @Unjo PULLED A "GREGO!!"


    1. PJ.


      Good thing I have that scripted level 5 vest in. Took only 11 damage x)

  13. Damn, I got a free promotion 


  14. a5c06e17788503affec92472613945b6.jpg

    1. -dante-


      Three dep chiefs is such a pointless thing tbh. You barely need 2 half the time. Usually is just made to give someone else a promo 

  15. @rabeed grats homie, forgot you got it


  17. https://gyazo.com/7c91a650685ce03e0065f38fa91aa796

    Does that mean I get legacy donor @Ryan

    1. Ryan


      This is for people that donated way back when for what is now considered “champion” status. Not recent donos though. 

    2. SPBojo


      Yeah grego, suck it looser

    1. Strae


      But you adding that charge where did that lead you ? Back to him.

  18. hbd shitter

    1. drama


      Thank you Sr. Medic Gregory!!! Thanks for keeping my kavala house active so I didn’t lose it

    2. GregoV1


      @Trenton The God Btw I never got it searched. Told you I'm careful :D

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