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Status Updates posted by destruct

  1. @Fusah Have a happy good birthday! Wish you the best!

  2. Congratulations @maxg on Support Team Lead!

    1. maxg


      Thank you sir

    2. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      11 minutes ago, maxg said:

      Thank you sir

      Ris uoy knaht

  3. @Isaac Newton Happy Birthday!

    1. Isaac Newton

      Isaac Newton

      Thanks man. Technically it ended 8 minutes ago 


  4. Happy Birthday @Trenton The God! Hope all goes well on your special day!

  5. Federal Reserve Stats for June:

    Federal Reserves Started: 92

    Federal Reserves Stopped: 50

    Federal Reserves Completed (bomb blew): 43

    idk why it's 43 scuffed for some reason


    Federal Reserve Stats for July 1st - July 18th:

    Federal Reserves Started: 28

    Federal Reserves Stopped: 18

    Federal Reserves Completed (bomb blew): 10



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SecTranLive


      2 minutes ago, Danger said:

      This doesn't account for the 3 or 4 people that try to do the fed with 12 cops on either 

      This. I saw about 3-4 feds that were very small gangs who didn't know much about a fed. Curious to see how the stats differ now with the bank if it will have any impact.

    3. Bloodmoon


      June: 2547 Gold Bars sold

      July: 747 Gold Bars sold

      Total: 3294 Gold Bars sold


      Avg. Gold sold during a completed fed in June: 59 Gold Bars

      Avg. Gold sold during a completed fed in July: 74 Gold Bars

      Avg. Gold sold for both months: 62 Gold Bars.

      Note: Number of gold bars spawned in is 125-350, average amount spawned is 237 bars.

      24 minutes ago, Danger said:

      This doesn't account for the 3 or 4 people that try to do the fed with 12 cops on either 

      Highly doubt that happened more than twice. Never seen/can't remember a fed where cops don't show up before bomb is down.

    4. i win

      i win

      Yikes. That success rate isn't looking so hot. Especially as you don't always get away with the gold.

      Think the APD need to take a hard look at these stats and remember what I said about our numbers being the only real advantage we had.

  6. Oops wrong button

  7. Servers unlocked. Thanks for your patience :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bloodmoon


      thank you for no rollback

    3. Mudiwa
    4. Millennium


      I was kinda hoping for a rollback so I could get my 20 mil back from Josh

  8. Locking all the servers to clear some hacked cash. Thank you for your patience.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. monster


      eta on server unlocking?

    3. Unsettled Jew

      Unsettled Jew

      You should totally allow an unlocked window time so people can join

    4. obeymatt


      You can drop some in my bank I’ll need it for when you unban me ;)

  9. If I put up a community ARK server, who would be down? Just gauging what's up

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. monster


      52 minutes ago, Borax said:

      yall thought i was crazy at arma

      I don't think anyone thought that tho :/

    3. Borax


      @p a t STOP TYPYING your whole ass dad beats you  

  10. @Pledge Mk200 Black for Cops on Contact DLC? :)

    1. 1-800TryHards
    2. Pledge


      The APD considers all options, some of which are classified.. 

  11. Happy Birthday!

    1. Viper


      Thanks babe. Sorry I yelled at you yesterday :( 

    2. destruct


      2 hours ago, Viper said:

      Thanks babe. Sorry I yelled at you yesterday :( 

      Don't you worry, enjoy your Birthday :)

  12. Welcome back BrothaCa... I mean @Outcast

  13. @Pledge Congratulations on contributor!

  14. 4e1b18320303c1abbc3a54643b8e40c4.png


    1. Richard


      So you’re saying there’s a chance for tractors on Olympus!?

  15. @Dr Bambino Congrats dude, you seem like a chill guy.

    1. Dr Bambino

      Dr Bambino

      Thanks man! I thought you were cool until I clicked on this post and SHIT myself when your profile song started

  16. #RexMaybeNotForSeniorDevButForSeniorDevAccess2k19

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ryan


      You suck you killed the train. #DestructForRemoval

    3. Claysive



    4. Richard



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