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APD Officer
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Status Updates posted by Strae

  1. grats @Jig sharp skinfades unlocked

    grats @Cale you've now unlocked the real scissors, no more toy ones


  2. congrastast @KRAmarosnharrisnk

  3. @Kedar took the man a whole year to get test #2 grats : )  ❤️

  4. pulling a strae @Crenshaw my man

  5. fuck a stack


    1. vedalkenn


      whole lotta fans strae

  6. 84a4f65e7299349af3cc080d11d0657e.gif

    1. buckie


      comp or ban 

    2. Quinner


      submit RDM report on the boat

  7. 028606002a340afdd96ccdbbe3282b64.png








    jk tho don't remove me 🙂


    @SecTranLive Congrats

  8. Ñ

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. billdroid
    3. Zahzi


      wtf I thought we were spelling "nice server", this community is fucked!!

    4. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      How have you been apart of this community for so long and not realized what was happening

  9. @Hylos happy birthday. Good music taste in your profile

  10. Feliz cumpleaños @KGB JOSH

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. buckie
    3. JuanDeaged


      @Noodles u forgot the accent on top of the n bitch it’s “español”

    4. Noodles:D


      @JuanDeaged I have an American computer not a 3rd world one.

  11. @Noodles:D needs relationship advice on how to start talking to a girl that doesn't even know him.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Drippp


      Refer to my latest status update for a pick up line that works everytime 

    3. billdroid


      send her a picture of your tits. 

    4. Creepy


      2 hours ago, NokiaStrong said:

      fake it till you make it

      Literally came in teamspeak asking how to tell a girl you like her. Please don't give relationship advice 🤣

  12. Happy birthday guy that can't pronounce island properly @Zeuse

    Happy 151th birthday @Billybobjoe

    1. Zeuse
    2. Billeh


      Starting to be as old as @Woo

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