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Corporal Moob

Retired Chief
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Everything posted by Corporal Moob


    1. Corps


      Who knew Northern Irelanders could produce some good tunes;)

  2. Imagine hacking on ARMA

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      Monkeysz why u gotta mess around with the server. Yeah the staff are gay plebs now, but some of us still like playing here >.> mess with them not the rest of us

    3. Bezzy


      Wasnt me 

    4. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      Then why you posting all this shit supporting it

  3. Whoever had the idea to give Civilians war points for shooting Cops needs to stop drinking the stuff under the sink.

  4. You had a good run yungblud.. [IS] IPopsicle/[MC] IPopsicle /[MC] Ignis. Good luck, you have dropped the curtain for the final time. The type of homie who answers the Facetimes even when he's lit to the dick. o7
  5. I wish to know what this man has to say! He's known for useful contributions and thoughtful opinions!
  6. o7 A true gent, and more than worthy of the position. AND YOU MADE CHIEF SO I DEFEND MY DECISION TO GIVE YOU CORPORAL AT 4K MINUTES KEK
  7. Happy Birthday to @Theak one of the real boiiiis

    1. Theak


      Thanks man!
      Thinking of getting on at an undisclosed time later and cause some chaos, maybe give away a few mill.

  8. Happy Birthday @Det. Payne you big niccuh :D

  9. Happy Birthday to a L9g9nd @TheRealKyle <3

  10. Merry christmas ya bastards ye.

  11. Happy Birthday @Chickenlittle:D

    Enjoy, It's ALLLLLL downhill from here buddy.

    1. MAV


      nahhhh not downhill until like 23-24 :-)

    2. Ryan


      1 hour ago, MAV said:

      nahhhh not downhill until like 23-24 :-)

      Now that just depends on which college you’re going to ;) 

    3. MAV


      True, and how many years youre there

  12. I'm not reading 5 pages of comments But sorry folks, who cares? Asylum is for banana crammers anyway.
  13. You're heroes and I love you all

    1. N7Zero


      i see u finally come out of the closet! im happy for u dude!


    2. monster


      @Corporal Boob :pog: competition or same person?

  14. Happy Birthday @Fat Clemenza


    You know what time it is.

  15. G'day sir. Let me be honest You were shitcunt for long time now you not shitcunt Sad tiems, another long term player bites the dust o7
  16. R O A S T E D for real tho, You were a good cop. Enjoy Retirement. Monday-morning quarterbacking central
  17. @ArX Happy Birthday you treetard :D

  18. Peace nigga @codeYeTi 

    While there are questionable circumstances surrounding your departure, at one point or another, you contributed and put effort in here. 


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