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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Phizx

  1. Glad I got a tag from Ryan on this one. I remember talking to @ Linka about this sort of thing ages ago. Judging from this post, looks like you’re runnin’ and jumpin’ over all the hurdles thrown at you buddy. Love to see someone bring the good and the positive out of everyone. Though I haven’t gone through some of the more difficult obstacles as some have, life will always be riddled with ups and downs in all sectors. Don’t be afraid to open up, talk about what’s going through your head. Sometimes, just putting it all out there might help. Everyone has their own battles that they’re fighting whether it’s mental/physical/financial/etc, and it’s important to have some empathy when it comes to others. Never know what they might be dealing with Extremely well written, Linka back to my hole I crawl, see y’all @arma4
  2. Ummm ryan?
  3. Been playing non-stop since the start of quarantine actually, friends paying for a host on PPPokers. If anyone's interested lmk, $300 buy in 2/4 blinds
  4. He's vibe-checkin
  5. Phizx

    o7 Boys

    o7 buckster
  6. Ight so who am I ordering pizza for? tryna skip this corp and get sergeant real quick🙆‍♀️

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Slaughter
    3. Linka


      i would prefer just giving me the money, but i will pull some strings

    4. Phizx


      @Panda :) LOL most of them haven't been around for long enough to understand the joke anyway xd

      @Linka I have cashapp 😄

  7. I don't think the population is steady enough for a server 3. It's great that both were full yesterday but if there were to be a third server, there would be like 25-30 on each during the day. Rather have 2 full servers than 3 half filled servers
  8. Very well said +1
  9. With 2 thumbs and 8 other functioning fingers you should be able to get 50 arrests quite easily. At the end of the day they’re both 9mms anyway
  10. I hate you with a passion you bastard xd
  11. Ayeee wassup my man hit me up on steam cute stuff adopted
  12. All is well, all is well, hop on steam you douche
  13. Ehh its possible, not sure yet You heard it here first ladies and gentleman. Whats up my favorite garbage PUBG player wow you havent been permed yet? good news wassup buddy
  14. Hows it going everyone Haven't spoken to y'all in a minute
  15. On the bright side cartels are back sort of
  16. Regicides recruitment post is back up ladies and gents :D

  17. Hows it goin fellas

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Phizx


      @DeadPool Yeah hopefully that happens lol

      @Egnazio Gang rank 5 won't help if he comes back in a wheelchair :bender-dance:

    3. DABESTeva
    4. Phizx


      @DABESTeva dabest you're a virgin

  18. Prison break and Shameless hands down. They took prison break off of netflix so it'll be a little bit more of a hassle watching it but it'd be worth it The first season of dexter is sooo fucked lmao, im creeping up on season 3 rn
  19. Great gang wars btw guys


    1. Parker R

      Parker R

      Lets me honest you would lost anyways LOL

    2. Phizx


      @Parker Radley lol we were up by 5 before the whole god mode shit went on lol same with the second fight before superior ran through cap

    3. Parker R

      Parker R

      WOW! really cause what i saw was a 10v12 and TI still won with no lag at all the last game

  20. Shits finally starting to pick up in life

    I'll see y'all around, don't know when

    Steam mobiles still active if anyone wants to message me :D

  21. You will be missed o7
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