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Peter Long

Peter Long
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Everything posted by Peter Long

  1. Chapter 16 Section 6 has been added to the server rules. Its been an "unwritten" rule for a long time, but now its official. 


  2. If i see one more troll post, im selling the server to the highest bidder.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      @codeYeTi Stop holding out, we know you have more than that :Kappa:

    3. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      $4.99 best I got

  3. Im working on something like this, just waiting on some dev time to be freed up.
  4. Let me make this clear: No.
  5. Pandora
  6. Ticket number?
  7. There will be a Purge Event at 11pm EST on all three severs on 12/31/2018. At 11pm, all three servers will be KOS in Kavala for the final hour of 2018. Staff members will be spawning in vehicles, ammo, guns, ect to facilitate the event. All APD Civs are KOS, so i would suggest bringing all of your guns! Admins will be working on reviving as much as possible, so go nuts! A few notes: Staff will be in God Mode and have the red ESP text above themselves. Try not to mess with them R and R are protected, don't shoot the medics! APD can use lethals! If you are camping gun store, expect boats to be dropped on your head Kick off 2019 with a BANG
  8. Thank you for your contributions. o7 @Pledge

  9. Seriously I am super impressed with the Civilian Council. This is only 1/10th of the ideas that were brought up in such a short period of time.
  10. @Xlax and @ApacheWarrior to the ban center please.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. monster


      my nigga xlax finally free after #freeXlax, now it #xlaxFree

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      18 hours ago, Millennium said:

      https://gyazo.com/9d444d711a0d204393b81ea9ec93703f seems like Xlax's friend likes him too much

      That is his brother and he is 15.  Enjoy your meeting with the FBI Raptor JR.

  11. 2 days in, and I can already tell the Civilian Council is gonna be the best thing that ever happened to you Rebel scum. Some of the best ideas I have ever read are coming from these guys. Thanks for the free content! 

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. J O E

      J O E

      26 minutes ago, Peter Long said:

      You act like we don't listen or experience the server at all. These are a well thought out, detailed, and presented in a way that isnt "fix gang life". Eat my ass @J O E

      Get it out then

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      3 hours ago, J O E said:

      Get it out then

      That ass could feed an army.  You ain't ever gonna finish that meal.

    4. Ebzekro


      bring back green zones or this shit is useless

  12. Anything is possible, and i have trust in the sAPD to keep balance in mind. Just give them (and frankly me) a bit of time. Ive been owner for all of a month, and we have a new chief. Trust me, we hear you.
  13. Ok so i take it you want this : 1. No more sdars at federal events 2. Work with civ council (which has been active for all of 24 hours) to go over map design buffs for civs at federal events. 3. No more rading Warzone without probable cause by APD. 4. [Potentially] If restrained by a civ in warzone, the vigilante only gets 50% of the normal bounty payout. This serves 2 purposes = less chance of vigis at warzone and increases number of pussies at warzone to avoid vigis (which increases potential fights) 5. Give very few, specific retards 2nd chances 6. Eat cake. Ill bring all this up on Sunday at our staff meeting. Ok pumpkins?
  14. 1f33b4ffbd365b2b529227f338a5a908.png

    1. Imawowboy


      mmmmm, I would love to eat some cereal with that spoon

    2. CIA JOSH
  15. To all who are asking, Arma released a hotfix update that is affecting all servers. We are working on it.

    1. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Don’t worry peter, I’m already on it @ThatNerdyGuy

  16. We are going to be doing some extensive testing on it to see if it will fit within our style of play here on Olympus. It looks sick though!
  17. Servers are being updated with the Warlords update right now. Please let us know if you see any bugs!

    1. credit


      thankyou peter

    2. Guest


      I just saw a butterfly at Weed Field, is that considered a bug?

    3. N7Zero



      u chat shit, its not updated! :DansGame:

  18. Welcome to the Founders Circle @SPBojo! Come find me in TS later. <3

    1. SPBojo


      Appreciate it buddy, will do!


  20. I would like to give a big CONGRATS to @Fusah and @ikiled on Senior Developers. Good luck shitters!

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