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Carrot Kid
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Status Updates posted by Zahzi

  1. @SuWooP congrats, don't run it into the ground 🙂

  2. Changelog has been updated with notes for hotfix #1. Update will be live on s2 in 45m and on s1 in 3h.

    If you find any new bugs or existing bugs that weren't fixed, please submit a bug report.

  3. 6lZmMIdT_1587948491.gif

    Taking the proper safety precautions

    ** Unfortunately, no Noble were harmed in the making of this gif 😞 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Noahhh!


      Can I practice processing moonshine on the dev server?

    3. Zahzi


      7 minutes ago, Noahhh! said:

      Can I practice processing moonshine on the dev server?

      Shed is blown up, sorry.

    4. Noahhh!


      We haven't sold the other ones yet :kappa:

  4. Corporal @Parker R when?


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      3 arrests? ROOKIE NUMBERS!

    3. buckie


      Those damn noble hackers 

    4. Parker R

      Parker R

      Hard work pays off 💯

  5. Congrats @SPBojo

    1. SPBojo


      Thank you Zahzi

    2. CocoisDead


      You forgot Lead Developer 

  6. ZMZUDF9u_1587779880.gifWhen the ifrit identifies as an Orca

    1. CocoisDead


      Haha so funny Lead Developer Zahzi!

  7. Servers are back online again t_t

  8. Server 1 is back up

    1. Ryan


      Not on my watch :kappa:

    2. Vcx


      get american ovh so server doesn't go offline when someone hits it instantly 

  9. Server 2 seems to be back online

  10. The servers are currently being DDoS'd. We're unsure of when the issues will be resolved.


    1. Vcx


      Yes Sir Working ON iT!

    2. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      Does the web dev need networking advice?

    3. Dicky


      It must be archetype, those rats!

  11. Server 1 is up again

    1. Dingle Pooper

      Dingle Pooper

      ok tractor boy fix the server.

    2. Ryan
  12. Servers will be updated to latest Arma version in ~15-30 minutes.

  13. @De Fuk happy birthday 🙂 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. buckie


      When did he get unban

    3. Zahzi


      50 minutes ago, buckie said:

      When did he get unban

      like 2017 pretty sure

    4. De Fuk

      De Fuk

      Man buckie hahahahahaha nothing can stop me oh and thanks zahzi ❤️

  14. No cap medic P07s seem to be the best thing that's happened for the faction


  15. Update will be live on server 1 in 15m, will be pushed to 2 in ~2h.

  16. @Kedar you didn't fail this time? 😮

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ChillX


      I figured out dakota that every one of zahzis units are 3 hours @d a k o t a

    3. Zahzi


      @d a k o t a update is out, wya?

    4. d a k o t a

      d a k o t a

      @Zahzi TOO BAD @bastro IS BANNED 

  17. Reminder that you can get 500k for linking your steam to the forums


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Millennium


      I think I fucked mine.

      nvm it worked i think

    3. De Fuk

      De Fuk

      Changed my mind i will trade my 500k for a pass on my next rdm ban ty

    4. Kedar


      shut up clown 

  18. We're experimenting with bringing up server 3 for part of the day. There's no set schedule yet, but I'll be unlocking it in the evening when server 1 & 2 are full.

    If we're able to sustain pop, we will consider a set schedule.

    Note that if you buy houses, the deed should't expire.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Masonn


      ^^ Make server 3 a place for banned people so i can reduce my ban time by picking cotton.

    3. mrs nesbitt
  19. Congrats @buckie




  20. Any potential chief that doesn't plan to give @GoodDustin his retired sAPD staff sgt rank deserves a hard -1

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