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Everything posted by Ninjaman427

  1. These are on server 1 though. How much for just the 3 crater or just the garage?
  2. Why hasn't Huskers gotten his PO test yet? 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Huskers


      This post is aids I will get it when I deserve it.

    3. Linka


      1 minute ago, Huskers said:

      This post is aids I will get it when I deserve it.

      very mature of u bud

    4. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      Deputy huskers 

  3. I really like this, would bring more RP into the cop process. Would require the implementation of a de-masking option for cops though while processing.
  4. @Peter Long Not trying to flame but your new cartels are not very good. Can we have like a community contest to overwrite them?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ninjaman427


      You can obviously design other things for the server, not saying you shouldn't, but for someone who hasn't fought cartels heavily in however long you've been an admin, things have changed and these cartels just aren't doing it. 

      Lighthouse is fine in my opinion, but Athira and Windmills in pyrgos are something else.

    3. Dangus


      1 minute ago, Ninjaman427 said:

      Not saying you shouldn't design, but it would be interesting to see how different gangs create their cartels.

      You did say it though. And peter, you are right, a cartel could be perfectly balanced but if people don't like the the fights flow, then they won't fight them. I think the cartels are cool, but others like when a cartel can be fought with or without ifrits and still be an even fight. OG moonshine is liked because you can use and ifrit or stay on foot and it remains relatively even. Peter, you create the cartels however you'd like or see fit, but if you ever want a second eye on things, let me know. I like to think I have a good eye for this kind of stuff.

    4. Ninjaman427


      Dangus, there is more designing to do other than cartels, if you can't see that you're dense. 

  5. Can we up the minimum bounty to be vigi'd to 60k? It used to be 40k because that was the total of 2 manslaughters, so it only seems right to adjust that as well?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bow


      Should be 120k imo.

    3. hesalittlerunaway
    4. Orgondo


      I do believe me and @Corporal_moob already discussed this at some point. I really see zero issue getting it implented so expect it changed in an upcoming update.

  6. Looking to buy a DP23 3-4 crater. Paying between 6 and 10 mill. Server 1 ONLY

  7. how much and which server
  8. Need 4 for League of Legends 10 man

  9. @Jesse @Serpico When picking up virtual inventory from the ground, if you pick up more than you can carry, it all disappears. Pretty nasty bug if you guys can fix it. 

  10. When you go for the passenger seat but they pull an Orca. Works. 



    1. iPopsicle


      Player has been dealt with the appropriate administrative action. Please be sure to leave any proof you have submitted up for at least 2 weeks in case we need it for further review. 

      Thank you for the report.

    2. iPopsicle
  11. 1. IGN: Ninja 2. How did you find Olympus?: Randomly 3. What is your favorite Olympus memory?:
  12. Why the fuck does it take so long to get access to the APD forums?

    1. Gibbs


      Some things take time, please be patient.

    2. BlackJack


      here you go buddy .

  13. March donation goal should be to add the Xian as a replacement or in addition to the blackfish. It's a much more reasonable size and more maneuverable. 

  14. RIP to the homie Corporal Colt :(

  15. I also agree with my dude @G.O.A.T. on this one.
  16. When are we going to see [OS] @G.O.A.T. round 2?

    1. Poseidon


      31 minutes ago, G.O.A.T. said:



  17. @Lil Bill is hands down the best player on Olympus. 

    1. JoeL


      Honesty I fan boy him.

  18. Buying houses and garages for everything. Let me know what you have/offers.

    1. HyperGoat
    2. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa


      dp1 house 3 crater and garage like 400m from pro lmao

  19. Buying Server 1 Kavala Rebel House/Garage. 

    1. BlackJack


      Dejay have one for 20mil

    2. De Fuk

      De Fuk

      ayeeeeeeeeeeee hes freeeeeeeeee :D

  20. I'll be running a fight ring out behind the Venue. If anyone would like to fight TI IRL since you won't in game, lmk.
  21. @Peter Long Gummycow was ban evading on Cake's account. 

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