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Status Updates posted by Whitee

  1. You know it’s bad when the server died and you still can’t rank up in the APD 🤣🤣

  2. I can’t imagine how many lives arma 4 will ruin. So many greasy overweight retards still addicted to this garbage game and garbage dead server it’s mind blowing. 

    1. ThatNerdyGuy


      Imagine if Arma 4 has a good engine and everything is great with it. So many kids dropping out of high school and college.

  3. How do you kids play arma on the daily? The game died 2 years ago. LOG OFF IT! Oh yeah I forgot waiting an hout on cap for 4 people to push vendor is so much funnn!!!!!!

    1. Bloodmoon


      I don't wanna hear it, you can't do algebra.

    2. Whitee


      Keep grinding for cop rank in 2021 with 40 players on the server. Kek

  4. How to get PO back after losing it to inactivity? anyone?

    1. Cale
    2. Monks


      Just apply and you will get your rank back.

  5. Got a pint of the lean, I done lucked up 

    1. Jerrod


      White you did not get syrup stop fucking capping for the video game LOL

  6. When’s Arma 4 coming out?

    1. Lex yo

      Lex yo

      If it's not a broken piece of shit then im not playing it

    2. Panda :)
    3. ItsGG
  7. Showed Cavinder twins my arma 3 montage, turned into a 3 way 

  8. Put a beam on the glizzy, don't get caught between the lines
    Last nigga we got busy on got hit between the eyes

  9. Holloway got robbed

    1. silton


      No mate volko stays the champ

  10. I have 70 mil oly. HML ladies.

  11. 1v1 Valorant 70m

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Vcx
    3. Whitee


      You don't have the IQ to pass gold 2. Stfu

    4. Vcx


      Aight well guess you don't want to do it lol 

  12. Can we get a conquest soon?

    1. Whitee



  13. gang shit  ya herd

  14. Arma 3 is not a cure to depression. @CEO of E dating. Hoes mad

    1. Show previous comments  61 more
    2. Fuzy


      @Fedot I was thinkin' about you the other day. Wondering if your weird ass was still around.

    3. Johnny Paintball
    4. silton


      @Fedot as if you haven't killed yourself spastic school shooter retard

  15. @NokiaStrong was biased when processing my support team app. I call BS!

    1. Millennium
    2. buckie


      reform a little bit my friend its possible ive done it homie

    3. Whitee


      Hmm, is reforming really worth the tags in ts?

  16. @Dealer When are we runnin this Madden 20 game?

  17. @Vcx I'm waiting in oly teamspeak you fat ass. 

  18. How can you gain feelings for someone through a computer screen? Go the fuck outside, and socialize.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JuanDeaged



      couldnt be me

    3. Ravin


      @ChrisGG hahaha you weird fuck

    4. -dante-


      lol e relationships will always be the funniest thing ever. 

  19. I’m putting cry baby @decla in a headlock and holding him hostage for 15 minutes every 30 minutes. Kid has more hours in the support room than he does on the actual server. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Whitee


      @ThatNerdyGuy I’m not suprised. Altis Life is the closest thing to a life the kids got.

    3. Christoph


      Im sorry am i supposed to know you? 


    4. SPBojo
  20. @Greezy Gabe You're a fat cholo gangster. Your booter is weak. 

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